Part 13- Health and well-being.

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Q: Do you try to have a proper nutrition?

A: I do yes. Both because I battle with some health issues such as low iron levels and intolerance in certain foods and because I try to take proper care of my body.

Q: Do you exercise?

A: I rely mostly on swimming exercises and bicycle riding.

Q: INTPs are thought to generally stick to certain types of foods and have a routine when it comes to what they eat and how. Does the same apply to you?

A: While I'm not really against trying new things, especially if they look and smell good, I am generally keeping it 'safe'. Like I mentioned before I have intolerance in certain foods and I do happen to have a quite sensitive stomach that can easily suffer upon eating something that irritates it even a little. So even when I do try new things, I will always make sure to know the ingredients of what I try and I generally have a list of things I eat and enjoy.

Q: Moving to the mental health part, have you ever suffered or suffer from a mental illness?

A: I happen to battle with OCD yes.

Q: Have you had an official diagnosis for it?

A: Yes.

Q: It's a tough subject so you don't need to answer if you don't wish to. OCD is quite of a hassle and from what I've read from other people's experiences, it is exhausting too.

A: It is yes. I fight against my own self on a daily basis. And the worst is that the 'fight' is in your can't externalize it which means you can also not share it. You're on your own. And in my case, I also pretend to be fine to everyone around me. My family doesn't have any idea about my illness.

Q: Have you not shared it with any friend?

A: I have talked about it with my best friend. Her consolation and help is genuine and well natured but this isn't something that others can really help you with unless they're some sort of an expert and I currently can't afford an expert.

Q: What would you tell other people with OCD or another mental illness?

A: I would tell them that while mental illnesses can be major b@tches, don't give up on yourself or life. It's okay to feel tired, disappointed or drained out of everything, but make sure to always get back up there all the time.

Never allow yourself to stay down for too long and make sure to seek help as soon as you can. Nothing is invincible and mental illnesses are no exception.

Q: Tell me one thing that will usually cause you discomfort or stress?

A: One thing that will often stress me out is the way society keeps expecting things from me. Everyone expects something. As a young person and a woman, I am expected to be several things that I'm not or cannot be...a glamorous and charming woman strong in her social and communication skills, successful in her career, full of talents, a good friend, a pretty thing to look at, a sweet smile with legs, walking down the streets and cheering everyone up like a comedian, an awesome girlfriend, a proper wife and mother material, etc.. I kind of feel that I constantly need to 'squeeze' myself in some sort of bottle with a label on it for people to pass by, look at what they like and decide if they're going to buy my bottle or not...sounds weird but this is something I feel nearly every single day.

There are times that I feel it's my 'duty' to try and be better with other people and more open to what society wants from me. But then I remember that being good with people doesn't mean I need to conform to anyone's standards. I'm myself and I wasn't created or born to fit anyone's fantasy. That's when I remember that stressing over social idiocies is as useful as trying to converse with a needle, so I snap out of it and go back to my business.

Q: You're lucky to be able to snap out of it so fast. What's your major coping mechanism?

A: My faith.


Skyywalls ♥♥

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