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Not with the flow- An interview with an INTP woman.

By Skyywalls

All rights reserved. 


This book is dedicated to INTPs and more specifically to female INTPs. I decided to write this book for all INTP women because there is a very small amount of information about female rationals and given how rare of a group they are, I wanted to give them a voice. The book includes all the needed information for the INTP personality and it also contains an interview of an INTP woman.

 The interview includes questions about several topics and subjects, including her views on matters of life, people, education and society. The girl's name is Olya and she is 24 years old. I will not disclose any other personal information of her for safety reasons. This interview is a great source of knowledge for anyone who wishes to understand INTP women in depth and have a detailed insight on what exactly those bloody rationals are thinking about!

P.S. The author of this book is not an expert and everything included is the result of careful research on the mentioned topics as well as personal experience as a fellow introvert.

Skyywalls ♥♥

Not with the flow- An interview with an INTP woman.Where stories live. Discover now