Part 8- Flirting.

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Q: Do you enjoy flirting?

A: I usually do yes.

Q: Is there a certain type of flirting that you prefer?

A: Yes I prefer when the guy pays attention to my signals and makes the first move when he knows I'm interested.

Q: What are some common mistakes that guys do when flirting with you?

A: They say the same old stupid chit-chat stuff that only makes me want to run away and hide from them. I'd rather they come to me and directly tell me that they like me and want to get to know me better by asking genuine practical questions. Another mistake is when a guy becomes a bit too touchy, I hate that. And the last one is when after a while of flirting, the guy might try to flirt with another woman just to make me jealous for various reasons...that 'trick' doesn't work with me. The only thing it will accomplish is to have me give up on the guy and leave him with his new trophy. For all I know, him flirting with another woman means that he is no longer really interested in me and he's ready to move on..and I'm not the type of woman to beg or insist in what I consider a lost cause. My brain doesn't register 'subtlety' very well. If you want me, be clear about it, no tricks or mind games.

Q: What would you advise guys to do when flirting with INTP women?

A: First of all, don't be narcissists. Arrogance works as a repellent for us. Second of all, avoid boring small talk and stereotypical compliments or dates. Be inventive and try asking your INTP crush questions about their interests and taste before you arrange a date with them.

It's okay to complement their looks and all but INTP women LOVE it when people of the opposite sex can appreciate their minds even more. Whatever you do, make sure you're genuine about it because while we may be horrible at subtlety, our instincts are beasts and they can sense hypocrisy from miles away.


Skyywalls ♥♥

Not with the flow- An interview with an INTP woman.Where stories live. Discover now