Part 7- Friendship.

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Q: What does friendship mean to you and how much do you value it?

A: It means a lot to me. Friends are like non blood related siblings. When I become friends with someone, it will usually be someone whose character has really 'won' me and I become quickly attached to them. My friends are my closest people after my family. I value them greatly and I am terribly overprotective of them. I am also very affectionate, depending on the type of friendship and how close I am to the person.

Q: Do you have another INTP as a friend?

A: I honestly don't know. I've never really tried to discover the personalities of my friends although I have some friends who could definitely be suspected of being INTPs, INTJs or ISTPs.

Q: Which types do you think would make good friends with INTP women?

A: I would say both introverted as well as extroverted types would make good friends with INTPs. For example, my current closest female friend is an extrovert and definitely a feeler. Not quite the pair you would expect to see.

Q: Life is full of surprises after all. What sort of things do you like doing with your friends?

A: Talking and I mean talking in depth not just random chit-chats. One thing I dislike is when my friends call me at random times every day for no apparent reason other than the fact that they want to have some boring chit-chat and we end up not having what to say because we've already registered that we're 'okay, nothing is new, just blah blah blah'.

I like taking walks with my friends, hanging together by the beach, playing fun games and travelling together.

Q: What's a deal breaker for you when it comes friends?

A: Hypocrisy...making me think that they're a genuine friend when all they do is use me whenever they have no one else to be with, talking about me behind my back and lack of effort when it comes to the friendship. I have a lot of tolerance and patience even when people treat me like crap. But things can escalate pretty quickly once I decide that I've had enough. The moment I am pushed beyond my limits, I snap and when that happens people come face to face with a whole new level of ice cold anger.


Skyywalls ♥♥ 

Not with the flow- An interview with an INTP woman.Where stories live. Discover now