Part 14- Arts/culture.

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Q: Are you a fan of the arts? Do you practice any type of art?

A: I am yes. Well I do like photography and I've been doing it for years so I'd like to think I'm quite good at it.

Q: Do you like works of art such as paintings?

A: I love classic, impressionism, expressionism and naturalism paintings.

Q: Favorite all time artist?

A: Joseph William Turner.

Q: Is there a certain type of art that you dislike?

A: Poetry, theatre and most of modern art.

Q: What kind of movies do you like watching?

A: Historical, mystery, action, comedy.

Q: What about music?

A: I can listen to pretty much anything of any kind as long as it sounds good in my ears. But my top favorite types would probably be classic, modern alternative, country, rock n' roll, indie and soundtracks.

Q: Favorite celebrity?

A: I don't really care about celebrities. There are some that seem pretty likable like Tom Hanks but I don't really care about celebs and would definitely not be concerned enough to have a favorite.

Q: One last question. Name your hobbies.

A: Documentary watching, playing with numbers, riddles, word games, photography, walks by nature, animal care, swimming, bicycle riding, reading books, listening to music and doing puzzles.


Skyywalls ♥♥

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