Chapter 18

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Allysa's POV

"Hey Ally,"

"Hey," I peered up to him unable to give him a smile. We were at this park where we usually hang out together. Yeah, I called him earlier because I couldn't wait any longer for people to come and tell me the truth. I just had to find out myself.

"What's wrong? I hadn't been able to contact you for days Ally... and when you finally returned my call, I knew something was wrong," He stares deep into my eyes. I knew Dean for years. He isn't the type of person who would intentionally hurt someone he truly cares about. But I just don't get why he would keep this big secret from me. He should have known better that I would know the truth one day. And the best way for me to find out is from him; rather than me finding it all out on my own.

"What's wrong? You're seriously asking me that?" I snapped.

"Is this about the other day? I told you I am sorry and I didn't know what-"

"No Dean. This is about last Friday. Where were you?" I cut him off. He better tell me the truth because I am sick of all this sugar coated lies that everyone had been telling me.

"I was... out with Dougie. I got this bite, remember?" he hesitated.

Letting out a sigh, I breathed it all out. "I'm just going to say it because I am sick of all these lies. I know the truth," I paused, looking at Dean intently. "I know the fact that I'm from a wolf bloodline, my brother is a wolf, my mum had been hiding this from me for years. And... the wolf who bit me on Friday? Well, I know for the fact that it was you," I continued feeling a heavy weight being lifted of me.

Dean didn't say anything nor did he react to what I had to say. He stayed calm and that wasn't what I had expected at all. Come on, usually Dean would defend himself. But now? Nothing. Not even a word or an expression that I can read.

"Well don't you have anything to say?" I frowned getting seriously annoyed.

Dean's POV

Her big indigo eyes stared at me intently. I felt bad. I felt so bad I don't even know how to react to this. She knows the truth about me; about all of us. I know it was wrong for her family to keep this away from her. I owed it to her brother and thus I had to keep this away from her too. I love this girl so much why would I even hide something like this from her?

"OK. Allysa... I'll tell you everything alright?" I held onto her hand and gave her a small smile.

"How can you be so calm right now?" she frowned, biting her lower lip.

"Because I know this day was going to come sooner or later," I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I had to tell her everything from the very start. She kept quiet and looked away.

"Go on," she mumbled.

"Just listen and don't you be annoying and try to interrupt me," I chuckle lightly and notice a small smile form against her lips. She squeezed my hand, still not looking at me.

"It all started 2 years back when I was just 16. I already knew I was in a pack and I told myself that I would tell you about this only when I hit my transformation. Something like hitting puberty like that, there is a specific time where-"

"Dean, I know about the transformation, Kent told me about it already," she chuckled, her eyes staring deep into mine.

"What did I say about interrupting me?" I frowned trying to hide the smile that slowly forms against my lips.

"Sorry. Dean, stop trying to be serious OK? It's not working," she laughed and well that gave my frown away.

"Let me continue. When I found out that I was going through a transformation, I was terrified. I knew this day will come but I never knew that it would hurt so much. I've always been in the woods during my free time, trying to train myself and control this transformation. My uncle helped me a lot but he didn't have the time to train me fully. Basically I had to depend on myself. So, there was one time when I was so frustrated with myself I caused a huge chaos. I couldn't control myself; I started trashing the trees and basically ruined part of the woods. And that was when Kent appeared out of nowhere. He saw me crumpled under a tree, naked. I was crying and felt so helpless. I was only 16 Ally and I had to go through this," she looked at me sympathetically and held onto my hand tighter.

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