Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"My mind is all diluted, I can't concentrate in class," Jany aspirated.

"Yup me too. On the bright side... tomorrow is the last day of school before it is summer!" I shouted excitedly as we walked towards our locker.

"Shut up, everyone's watching," she giggled like the little school girl she is. "So any plans?"

"Heading back to hometown to meet my Grandpa," I smiled although I could feel my stomach dropped like seven floors down just thinking about him. I leaned against my locker and let out a huge sigh. Jany stopped rummaging through her locker and focused her attention to me.

"That's a first...? I've never heard you talk about your grandfather," she piqued. Well I can't blame her for not knowing I had grandparents because if I was not mistaken, I told her they were all dead.

"Why are you laughing?" I stopped chuckling when I realised I was actually laughing. What is wrong with me?

"Oh sorry I was thinking about something. Anyway yes, don't sound shocked that I'm going back to meet my grandpa! What about you? Plans? Family trips or anything?" It's better to change the topic than explaining to her how complicated my life is.

"Oh yes! I'm going on a backpacking trip across Europe with my cousins! I am so excited!" she giggled away and starts to explain where they will be heading first, how long the backpacking trip was going to be and all the other details.

"That sounds fun. Do pack me along," I pouted as we continue our way towards the carpark.

"It sure will be! And sorry no space in my bag," she winked.


"Dean's calling you," Jany nudged her head to my back. I turned and there he was waving cheekily at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I bid her goodbye and walked towards Dean.

"Hey there," he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down on me with that heart-warming smile. You see, how am I going to be sure if he keeps doing these gestures to me? He came closer and brought his lips against my forehead. I sighed deeply.

"You didn't drive to school today did you? Because I'm sending you back,"

"Yes I did not. I'm not that forgetful in case you didn't know," I chuckled and opened the car door.


The ride was silent for about five full minutes before Dean decided to strike a conversation. "When are you going?"


"When are you going back to Foxville?"

"Oh that... Next week. On Wednesday we will be heading there," I looked out of the window. Every single time someone mentions anything about my hometown; I couldn't help but feel nervous. With every day that passes, I am closer to finally meeting my grandfather after 18 years.

"We? So you talked to Kent about it?"

"Yup I have. Keira, Jayson, Sefian, Kent and I will be heading there. I doubt my parents will be following us and I am not too sure if they will be fond of the idea. Telling them about it over dinner,"

"Don't be nervous or sad about it alright? At least it's a step forward to finally know the whole truth. Right?" Dean assured me.

"That's right," I focused my attention to him and smiled warmly. How much things changed over a year? A lot.

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