Chapter 17

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Anonymous POV

“What are you talking about Nana?”

After the encounter with the spirits, Annyka immediately brought me away; back to our house which was located a few yards from the forest. Yes I live with her. Now how did this come about? During the early 20’s, there was a conflict between the Bulgarian villages and those who practiced witchcraft under their own supervision. My family, the Alvarez, were a group whom were gifted, they possessed a Grimoire which was passed down from generations to generations. There were many other groups of witches that attained this book. The only difference was the things that were in it.  Everyone wanted to get hold of that book because of the power it attained and all the secrets it had. Humans, they were greedy and selfish; wanted the ultimate power. After attaining such power, they wanted to use it against others.

During one of the rituals that they practiced, a villager came upon them and saw how much power we witches had. He spread it all around until one day, they decided to attack us so as to make sure we hand the book to them. They even tried to dismiss us from our own country; Bulgaria. A war commenced after the disagreement between the two parties; mortals and immortals.

Many were sacrificed in this conflict. Being witches, they were even more powerful. They had advantages to this war. However, the villagers weren’t that stupid, they knew the witches had something under their sleeves. So thus; they did their own research. They found out one weakness that they could use against the witches; the Amdimen Stone. This stone is the only thing that could stop a witch. If such stone was being penetrated into a witch’s skin, the body will react to it, causing a chain of events. Most importantly, the witch’s power will slowly dissipate. It will cause your body to become weaker and weaker until there isn’t any strength left in you. Once that happens, there will be no difference between the witch and the human. In a worst case, you may even die.

Most of them died during this war. But my grandparents were indeed lucky. They managed to escape because my grandmother was different from the other witches; she had a special power; a unique one to be exact. The experienced witches told her to run away with the Grimoire because they wanted no human touching it and they needed her to be safe. They wanted more of her generations in the near future. She could control emotions running in one’s body and even stop one’s motion. If she were to stay and protect the others, the humans could easily catch her because she was the only one who had such power. She couldn’t be the only one against them when there were many who wanted her dead. During that time, she was only a teenager, about my age. Yes, they were married at such a young age. When she ran off with her husband, it wasn’t as easy as they thought.

They were indeed being hunted and tracked down by the villages. Years passed and they settled in a small secluded village. Thinking maybe the villagers had stopped tracking them, they decided to live their live as how normal married couples would. And there comes my father.

Soon, they had to leave again, hopping from one village to another. Age took over my grandparents and my father met a beautiful lady (my mum) who apparently is a witch too. After my grandparents passed on, the Grimoire was given to my mum. She protected it like her life depended on it.

It wasn’t long before those despicable mortals got track of my parents. When they attacked us, my dad told my mother to run away with the Grimoire and their only daughter; ten year old me. I was special and different because I inherited my grandmother's powers. So eventually we had to run away. Days passed and my father didn’t come after us so we had to accept the worst tragedy had happened to him. We did take note that they were hunting my mother and I so she decided we should seek for the greatest witch in town and apparently it was somehow someone she knew.  It was one of my grandmother's close friends. We met Annyka and that was how I am where I am today.

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