Chapter 14

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Each droplet trailed down my body hurriedly as if they were all in a race to see who would reach the ground the fastest. Stepping out of the bathtub, I grabbed the towel and wiped all the little droplets off my body, leaving it all dry.

Crap, I didn’t bring my clothes in.

Wrapping myself with the towel, I leaned forward to the mirror examining my face carefully. Huge dark rings were seen under those eyes of mine and my lids were slightly droopy.

“God, I look horrible. Maybe part of it was the surprise that took me when Kent told me the truth. Well, the cats out of the bag. Eh, it should be wolves out of the bag,” I chuckled at my own remark and stop immediately after finding it rather…stupid.

Pushing the hinge of the door down, I walked out and my blood froze in my veins.  It was a reflex; my hand grabbed hold of the top of the towel, desperately wishing that it will not drop and leave me all exposed. There he was sitting at the end of my bed, burying his face in his big hands. Slowly taking a few steps back, praying hard that he won’t notice me, he snapped up and gasped as he eyed me from top to bottom. His emerald green eyes grew wider and turned darker when he slowly eyed me.

Kent explained to me about the eye change thing. Two things would make the eye colour change into almost black. First was when the person gets so pissed and angry. Second was when the inner wolf was losing control or going wild in the person himself. So I fully understood why those green eyes turned so dark that it was almost black. But it can’t be that he was angry at me! I should be the one angry since now I knew he was a werewolf and he didn’t even told me anything about it.

Why the hell is he doing, eyeing me like that?! Shit! Stupid girl! Why didn’t you just bring your clothes in! What am I supposed to do?

Blood pumped furiously in my veins as it travelled directly to my cheeks, heating it up. Mentally cursing myself for not bringing my clothes in, I tried to speak up. My lips parted but soon closed again, no words able to seep through it. I stood there motionlessly, totally rooted on the ground praying that I could simply rewind the time and I was back in my bathroom in a blink of an eye.

I slowly opened my eyes and instantly met those dark eyes. We held our gazes into each other for what seems to be like forever!

I bet he could sense the awkwardness that filled the atmosphere and he finally shifted his gaze.

Who am I kidding? He can read my mind…BLOODY HELL! HE CAN READ MY MIND!

 I mentally screamed as loud as I can and blushed even further at the thought of him being able to read whatever I was thinking just now.

“Err, I am so sorry! I-I’ll wait outside your room,” He muttered and wasted no time and got out of the room, shutting the door.

I breathe out a sigh of relief when he finally left.  So only when he left, my feet start to be helpful and I quickly got into my walk-in closet to find a simple top and my PJ pants.  Still helplessly finding my clothes in the huge closet, I tried to do the mind reading thingy with Kent.

‘Hello? You there? Hello?’ I hope this works.

‘So you finally figured out how to control this mind communicating thing,’ His annoying voice rang into my mind.

‘Yeah whatever. Why did you not tell me that Jayson was coming? You know, he almost saw me naked’! I sneered at him and could easily fell my cheeks getting red.

Seriously? He must be so over the moon now,’ He laughed and if there were such things as mind slapping then I would have slap him hard!

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