Chapter 4

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''Hello?'' His deep, husky voice emanated through the receiver.

"Hey, Jays. Sorry you had to carry me all the way up to my room. I didn't think I would fall asleep in the car,'' I murmured, guilt lacing my tone.

''Yeah Lyly. Do you know you weigh like; I don't know more than 200 pounds? I swear I think some of my bones broke!'' He piqued in exasperation.

''Oh, really? If that's true, I bet you're heavier than an elephant. As you can see, I am so small and petite next to you,'' I rolled my eyes.

''Hey, do I look like an elephant to you? Do I have that long trunks? Do I Lyly? I don't. So, my weight can't be compared to an elephant. They are so damn heavy,''

''Exactly! They are heavy; so they CAN be compared to you,'' I tittered while emphasising the 'can'.

''Are you trying to tell me that my muscles are like too big for me? I have been working hard to earn all these sexy muscles,'' He snickered. Knowing him, I bet he's smirking his way.

''You call that sexy? Jays, are you for real? If you think that's sexy, then you probably haven't seen an emu because it's way sexier than you,''

''OK. Then why were you checking my 'non-sexy' muscles out the other day? Huh, why?''

Damn it. Why does he need to bring that up!
"Err...I wasn't..." I muttered hoping I could hide the lies behind that.

''Yeah right. Admit it Ly, admit it. Just admit I have sexy muscles. I'm sexy and I know it..." He chuckled.

"I am so not admitting something that I didn't do! Never Jays. Never. You know, you have no originality. That came from a song,''

''Never say never Allysa," He started to cackle. I guffawed at how lame he can get. I really tried to supress my laughter but to no avail.

Soon, we both were laughing our heads off through the phone like a pair of idiots. Being with Jays or even talking to him really made me forget all my problems. All those that cause me problems would be automatically kept aside.

''Hey Allysa?''

''Yes Jays?''

"Want to meet up tomorrow?'' Jayson inquired light-heartedly.

''Sure,'' a wide grin forms on my lips.

'"So, I will pick you up at...around 5? Would that be OK?''

''Yup, it's fine,''

''OK then. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight,''

''Goodnight Jays,"

I couldn't get that smug off my face. After that long conversation with Jays, I got up from the bay window, still grinning like a fat kid who just bought packets of sweets and headed to my comfy, fluffy bed. Moments later, I wafted into a deep sleep.

The beautiful rays penetrated through my window panels caused me to cringe slightly. My eyes slowly fluttered open; I mentally cursed myself for not drawing the curtains last night. The conversation I had with Jays last night came running to me and a wide grin paints itself on my face. I was actually meeting Jays today. Pretty excited to catch up with him.

I got off bed, walked to the closet to fetch some fresh clothes and undergarments before heading to the bathroom. After the long hot shower, I skipped downstairs to the dining room and found a massive breakfast feast.

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