Chapter 10

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Sending me a small smile, he walked away.

Huh? Sorry? Why is he sorry? What did he do?

Kent stared at Dean until he officially gets his whole presence out of our property.

“It’s getting late. Let’s get to your room,” again, Kent cradled me into his arms sauntering towards the staircase. He slowly climbed onto each step not uttering a single word. I hopelessly kept my mouth shut and fixated all my attention on him. His eyes were in a brighter shade now and the thought of asking him why his colour changes kept gnawing at me. What if it was just my imagination? I know it was not. Knowing my brother, there would be a very high chance he would call me an ‘idiot’ or ‘dumb’ or even ‘insane’ for seeing a change in his eye colour. I mean, I myself would think I was insane for seeing something impossible. But let me tell you something. It was definitely possible!

“Done checking me out?’’ That totally caught me of guard. I was already lying on my bed and I guessed I had been staring at Kent for far too long.

“Me? Check you out? Gross,’’ I snorted loud enough for him to hear and rolled my eyes. Kent flashed me his smirk and it faded once he laid his pair of ocean blue eyes first on my neck, next my right knee and lastly my left leg. His body got tense and he looked away muttering something I could not quite hear.

“Hey, I am OK now. Look at least I am conscious right? It was just an accident,’’

“Yeah accident my foot,”

“What did you mean?” I frowned at his remark.  I definitely heard it right. It was not an accident.

“Nothing, just get to sleep,” he kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.

Kent’s p.o.v

Thinking about the detriment of my sister really infuriated me. I gazed at her body and regretted for being so careless.

How could I leave her to the park alone when I knew too well that we weren’t the only ones here?

And I trusted Dean. When Jayson told me everything that happened from him playing around with girls and for what he did this morning I couldn’t help but feel abhorrent towards him.

“Hey, I am OK now. Look at least I am conscious right? It was just an accident,’’ Allysa’s voice filled into my thoughts.

“Yeah accident my foot,”

“What did you mean?”  She frowned and stared at me with those big blue eyes.

Crap did I say that aloud? And even if I did, I don’t think I would say it too loud for her to catch it.

“Nothing, just get to sleep,” kissing her forehead, I made my way out of her room.  I was glad Mum and Dad weren’t home. How would they react to Allysa’s condition? Whatever it is I am telling them the truth even if they do not wish to know. Too bad they had me as a werewolf even when the both of them weren’t; my grandpa was.

It was really cool being a werewolf. When I left my family for college, I was supposed to be nineteen but apparently my birthday was at the end of the year. So I was still eighteen to be exact.  I was still a normal innocent boy- normal human. But when I turned nineteen, my worst nightmare came. I changed. My body structure, my bones, anything you could name changed.

My worst nightmare was actually a dream that had SpongeBob in an ultra-huge size chasing me to kill me. It was my worst nightmare. But I love SpongeBob. Ironic, I know. But the change that happened hurt me so badly I decided it became my worst nightmare. I am glad Allysa does not and will not experience the pain.

After the disastrous change, I became much, much stronger and more built. Hey, I have eight packs. Girls swoon over me; I was like the hot stuff in college. Told you it was cool being a werewolf.

It was still too early for me to turn to bed so I decided to take a shower. Grabbing my favourite SpongeBob boxers, yes I have two of them; I put them on and threw myself on the bed. My mind wandered off to what has happened over the pass years.

Time flew pass to fast. Allysa is all grown up and I am already twenty-two. I felt so old! Why? Because, I have yet to find my mate.

When I turned into a werewolf, I had to adapt to the changes. Like…how well a wolf can hear, smell and all that. I met a lot of werewolves and they thought me things about being a werewolf. I thought I would find ‘the one’ that is my mate, in college. Guess I was wrong. I was already out of college!

That sucks I know. Even Jayson has found his mate; Allysa. And he was only two years younger than me.

How would she be like? Tall or short? Blonde or brunette? Cool like me or lame like my sister? Fierce or meek?

Allysa’s p.o.v

One sheep…two sheep…three sheep…whatever sheep I can’t sleep!

I have been tossing myself around my huge bed for like…more than two hours? These eyes of mine were being too stubborn and refuse to close. And this brain of mine was also stubborn and refused to transmit impulses to my body that it was already time for bed!

“What’s the point? Where is my phone?’’ Knowing I would not be sleeping anytime soon, I grabbed my phone from the side table.  

Whoa. Eighteen missed calls and fifteen texts? I was only gone for a day and there were many who missed me already.

Tapping my finger on the screen, I scrolled slowly. So…most of the calls were from Dean and Kent.

Wait…Kent? Didn’t I tell him I wouldn’t bring my phone? And he even gave me seven missed calls.

I rolled my eyes and moved on to the message log.  Most were from Dean.

Aww…he was so worried, that is so cute! 

A goofy grin appeared but soon reverted to thin line when I saw and read a text from Jany; my friend from school.

Jany: Whoa. What did you two do? Skipping school together? ;)

I quickly applied my typing skills and replied her text.

Me: What ya mean? Me and Dean? Hold on a second. Dean skipped too?

Spinning my phone, I silently waited for her reply.

A vibration. This girl was quick.

Jany: Oh, I thought u forget u owned a phone. Wat took u so long to reply me? And yeah he skipped. Wait? You weren’t together?

Me: no I wasn’t. I had… something to attend to.

I can’t tell this girl I had a wonderful morning with a brown wolf who tried to kill me. Note the sarcasm. The whole school would probably know by Monday. Yes, she is the biggest gossiper in the world. Alright that was exaggerated; biggest gossiper in my school.

Jany: Well, he wasn’t in school. Don’t tell me he was with some other girl?

Him doing what he said he wouldn’t do again? I am not discussing this with Jany.

Me: Nah, I don’t think so. Anw, I want to sleep now! Nights :)

Jany: I think so. OK, nights :)

I threw my phone to the other side of the bed and kept thinking about what Jany said.

Could it be true? Could he do that again?

He did it so many times so what difference does it make if he did it another time? My heart was already immune to this. But I trusted Dean. I know he did not and will not do that again. So there must be a reason why he did not attend school today.

His bite from ‘Dougie’…Him not attending school… could a wolf attacked him? Wait…the brown wolf got bitten by the grey one on the left upper feet. Oh my god. No... It can’t be true. No. there is no such things.


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