Shaking my head, I said "That's all in the past now."

Big mistake.

"AHA! So it was at one point?!"

The volume of her voice startled me even more than usual, and I jumped back a little, which only made her enthusiasm go more through the roof. I put my hand over my heart and felt it beating at the pace of a stampede of elephants. "Stop that, you're freaking me out! So I dated him. Is it that big of a deal?"

"HELL YES!" She screeched, and I groaned. "My freaking god, tell me about it! When? How long? Is he a good kisser? Who am I kidding, of course he is. Not one that hot sucks at kissing. Well what are you waiting for, spill!"

I laughed, "Easy there, ducky."

She gave me a straight face. "This isn't the time for jokes, or incorrect colloquial phrases." Wait, are ducks not the right animal for that phrase?

"Fine, back in high school we dated for all of my junior year and practically all of senior year too. We broke up a month or two before graduation."

"Damn, my mind has been blown," She said in awe. I nodded, not really knowing what else to say. "But was he a good kisser?" She pressed on.

I tried to hide the blush on my face with a smirk, but Hannah just laughed.


The game was nothing short of amazing. The boys lost, unfortunately, but thanks to a big hit by Andrew and few key strikeouts from Will, the team was able to tie it up, and the game went in to eleven innings. The game was won by a player from the other team stealing round the bases and running home off a small base hit from his teammate. It was a risky move, but it won his team the game and set the Yankees off with a loss.

"My god, that was unbelievable! You know what I've decided? Baseball isn't America's Sport, it is Girls' Sport. If there is a girl out there saying she doesn't think a single baseball player is hot, she is either a lesbian, or from Canada." Elise raved as the crowd started to clear and we made our way down to the field, making me almost choke on air. Pretty spot on analysis of baseball, I admit.

Silently, though, I wondered how upset Will was about the game. He used to get in awful moods whenever he would lose when we were kids, and I can only imagine how much that has escalated now that he is playing in the big leagues.

"That hit Andrew had was so amazing, oh my holy heavens I'm so glad they gave us tickets! I probably wouldn't be fan-girling like this from the couch," Elise drawled on and I gave her a look. She rolled her eyes, "Okay, fine, maybe I would have still been a little excited." I laughed, and then she gave me a look of her own. "Oh don't mess around with me! You can't say you weren't loving the way Will was playing tonight too."

"That's different," I pointed out, instantly not quite realizing how. Crap. I need to stop going in to automatic defensive mode. I don't make much sense and it makes me lose some credibility.

She scoffed, "How?"

"You are romantically swooning over Andrew, so of course seeing him play baseball was a huge turn on. But me? No. Will is just my friend, so tonight I was simply loving the fact that a friend was succeeding."

My best friend groaned, "Seriously Sophia, you are the densest person I know." Before I could have any time to be offended, she switched gears and gasped. "There they are!" I followed her finger to where she was pointing, and saw Will and Andrew, still in their uniforms, talking together near the dugout.

Andrew looked just a little down, but Will looked way ticked off.

Either he heard her shriek or could sense her eyes preying upon him, Andrew turned his head toward me and Elise (specifically Elise) and smiled widely before making his way over. Elise dashed off to him and I could hear her telling him what a fantastic job he did.

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