"We have to find her!" He said, turning to Emilia desperately.

"We don't even know where to look," Emilia replied. "Besides, shouldn't we figure out what she meant first?"

"It's obvious; she doesn't want us to follow!" Connor explained, it was obvious he was worried, considering how loud his voice had gotten.

"But why? Why wouldn't she want us to save her?"

"Why does it matter?!" Connor replied. "We're wasting time!" He turned around and started heading in the direction they were originally heading, walking fast.

"Wait!" Emilia called out, causing him to stop and look back at her angrily. "You knew her well, you've gotta have some idea why she would want us to leave her?"

"I don't know!" Connor answered, the confusion was only making him more frustrated. "Maybe she just wants our focus to be on finding Caitlin?!"

"Then that's what we're gonna do," Emilia said sternly, walking past Connor.

"Are you insane?!" Connor yelled. "We can't just leave her!"

"It's what she wanted," Emilia said, continuing farther into the forest. "Are you sure there's nothing more to it? She seemed pretty out of it earlier." Emilia stopped to turn her head, looking over at Connor.

"I don't know!" Connor replied, Emilia could hear the sadness in his voice. "She's always felt weak, I guess the whole ordeal earlier made her feel like a burden?"

Emilia turned around to face Connor. "Then wouldn't she want to save herself?"

"...I guess you're right..." Connor said quietly, looking down sadly. As much as he would love to save Penny, he knew everything Emilia was saying was right.

"Then let's do what she wanted us to do and find Caitlin. We'll look for Penny afterwards," Emilia said. "Ok?" Connor nodded sadly. He walked over to Emilia, before they both continued deeper into the woods.


Penny stirred awake, blinking to adjust to the light. Once her surroundings were clear, she noticed she was in some kind of wooden house. It was really small, with wooden walls and floor, along with the roof and most furniture, kinda like a tree house.

She almost failed to notice the three people talking with each other by what she assumed was the kitchen. They wore clothes kinda like Sullivan's guards wore, so she figured he had some soldiers in the forest as well.

She sat up, realizing her hands were tied together. She tried to get out of the rope, jumping and letting out a gasp as a voice interrupted her.

"So she's awake~"

Penny looked up, seeing one of them walk towards her with a smug expression spread across his face.

"And who are you~?" He asked, kneeling down to her. She stayed quiet, causing him to chuckle as he gently grabbed a hold of her chin. "Dearie, if you don't talk, I'm gonna have to be more forceful~"

Penny stayed quiet again. She couldn't help but think; what would Emilia do in this situation? Penny's eyes widened slightly after remembering Emilia had given her a small pocket knife, telling her it might come in handy. She smiled internally, remembering she had hid it in her shoe.

"I saw you use magic back then. That means you're either a Zodian or a Zodiac Sign," he continued. Penny slowly reached for her foot, trying to make it as discreet as possible.

"I'm leaning towards the last one, seeing as you're in the forest outside the one and only Zodiac High~" He sang, keeping his smug smirk on his lips. Penny reached in her shoe, feeling relief as she felt the pocket knife.

"I'm right, aren't I~?" The guy asked. Penny stayed silent as she fiddled with the knife in her hands, trying to cut through the rope. The knife slipped through her hands, making a thud as it landed on the floor.

Penny's eyes instantly widened and all the color was drained from her face as the guy looked behind her, picking up the pocket knife.

"You foolish girl~!" He chuckled, throwing the knife away and grabbing a hold of Penny's shirt, pulling her up from her sitting position and pinning her to the wall by her neck. "Did you honestly think that was gonna work~?!"

His grip tightened as Penny struggled to breathe. The two other guys walked up behind him, knifes ready in their hands as they watched. A weak smile crossed Penny's face as water was appearing behind them.

"I got... your attention..." Penny chuckled weakly. The three looked at her confusedly, before the wave of water hit the three, sending them flying to the wall. They all fell unconscious, as Penny gasped for breath. After catching her breath, she walked over to the pocket knife the guy had dropped, successfully cutting the rope after some effort.

She rubbed her sore wrists before walking over to the opening where a door should've been, the color draining from her face once again as she looked down.

She seemed to be in a tree house far above all the trees, no ladder or rope to get down. The fall would've killed anyone who tried to jump. Penny figured the only way in or out was through the portals from before. She looked over at the unconscious guys, knowing they would awaken soon, before looking back.

An idea crossed her mind, but she knew it was risky. After not coming up with any other ideas, she realized it was her only way out. She took a step back, taking a deep breath and mentally preparing for what was to come.

She ran towards the opening, before jumping out of it.

She fell through the air, holding her palms in front of her as water started to appear. A wave of water appeared under her, guiding her down. It was like riding water, or sliding down a water slide, controlling it as it guided her down to the ground safely. She couldn't help but "whoo" as she was falling down, it was like flying.

Her feet touched the ground, and the water disappeared as she stumbled a bit. She couldn't help but giggle, she had no idea she was capable of things like that with her magic. She took a few steps, but didn't make it far as she felt something hit her head, knocking her out.

The last thing she saw was pink hair before everything went black.


Emilia's badass XD

Fun fact: Whenever Penny's in trouble, she either thinks "what would Emilia do?" or "what would Sam do?", as she looks up to both of them

Who's your favorite character in this book so far? :3

- Kate ⭐️

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