"Are you alright?" He repeats, more firm this time.

"Yea-Yeah. I'm fine." Niel raises an eyebrow not convinced at my answer. I roll my eyes and tighten my ponytail. "Niel right?" He nods taking a couple steps closer.

"That's me."

"Got a last name?" Another couple of steps. My shoulders stiffen at how close he is getting. To even entertain the idea of trusting him is foolish. Neil gives a smirk going towards his left eye. "Nolan. Niel Nolan is my full name." Finally I can't take it anymore. He's just playing with me. I know it.

"Okay enough of this ridiculous charade of pretend kindness and interest. Lets get on with it. What is this training I have to suffer through?"

Niel chuckles walking away towards the left side of the room. "The minister, called me to his office not an hour before that news article was printed." He picks up a couple of wooden staffs. "He said that he had a proposition for me. That I would have the opportunity to make one of his agents a fearsome fighter." He comes back in my direction. "So that they could be unstoppable even without magic."

"Did he tell you who?" I keep my voice unwavering.

He shakes his head. "No. He refused to give me a name, said time was of the essence and there wasn't enough of it for a small trivial thing. I then told him that I was to make a judgment of this agent before agreeing to train them. He said that it was a deal and to come to his mansion with him right away."

"So what to you think of me?" I ask. He stops throwing me a staff. I catch it reacting quickly. "I'm not sure. I haven't quite found out yet. Why don't you show me?" He takes a defensive stance. "Ms. Arens."

The fact that he used my real name, gives me a small smile. He's the only one to do so since I've arrived here.
I take a defense stance as well.

Niel strikes, I block his first blow.

Now the fun can begin.


"Come on! I know you have more fight in you!" Niel strikes again after I've just gotten back up. He hits the back of my knees sending me back to the floor.

I blow some loose hair out of my mouth, then wipe away sweat from my brow. I take rest on my hands and knees. If only to just catch my breath for a moment.

Niel and I have been at this for hours. At first I was keeping up with him. Deflecting his blows, staying on my feet, even getting a couple hits at him. I thought for a second that maybe I wasn't as weak as I had thought. And that I had a chance at beating Niel. Of course that thought was gone just as quickly as it came. Niel quickly became more intense. No longer seeing if I could defend myself and hit back. Instead it turned into some kind of real warrior fighting.

Since then he's been knocking me down on my ass left and right.

"Please," I manage, "let me rest for a few minutes."

Niel takes deep breaths a few more times. He nods his head grabbing a couple bottles of water. Niel tosses me one and sits on the floor next to me. "Five minutes."

I lay onto the matt grateful for a break. Even with the fans on, my face is heated and no doubt red. I wish this day would end. Right now all I wish is for is a bath and to go to bed.

"So...I've done some research on you."

I laugh bitterly. "Oh I bet you have. Find anything interesting?"

"What I expected to find." I sit up to stare at him. "You are a pureblood witch, you're parents were Walt and Idun Arens. You have a sister Anna and a distant cousin Rapunzel. Growing up, everyone knew that you would get into Hogwarts. And when you did, that's when the pressure started didn't it?"

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