Chapter 23

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" We fly of course." Luna says.

They run into the forest us at their heels. They find black horses that have wings.

" Threstals." Harry says.

" Harry what're you doing? There's nothing there." Hermione says.

" You can only see then once you witness someone dying." Luna says petting one.

" Let's go." Harry says.

Him and Luna help everyone onto one.

" I don't like flying without seeing it." Neville whimpers.

" Bloody Hell Neville neither do I. But we can't  get to fly on brooms because this is obviously faster. Flying on invisible horses." Ron says.

" Are you guys coming?" He asks.

" Annabeth go."

" Not without you." She says.

" If I go Zeus won't promise safe travels. I don't want to anger him again because I'm traveling in air. Besides. I don't do well with heights. " I explain.

She nods and gets on one. They leave and I dash back to the castle. I find Snape.

" Where are the baboons? " he asks.

" They left for the Ministry. Annabeth is with them." I say.

" Why didn't you go?" He barks.

" Zeus wouldn't allow safe travel. Because I'm the son of Poseidon he's my Uncle, so he would not permit safe travels cause he's air, in water." I explain quickly.

He sighs and massages his temple.

" I've told the Order. Well some of it. " he groans.

I sigh. " What' do we do? It's not like I can fly there. Nor can I leave the premises."

" What happened to Umbridge?" He asks.

" Long story. Ending, Centaurs kidnapped her and rode deep into the forest." I say.

He laughed out loud. " Serves her right." He chuckled.

I smiled. " But we need to get to the Ministry." I say.

" I can't. " he says.

" Why not?"

" Death Eaters will be waiting there. I'm under cover as one for Dumbledore. So if I arrive and fight for he Order I'll blow my cover and the only chance to bring him down." He explains.

I nod. " You'll have to go." He adds.

I look at him.

" I can't apparate." I say.

" Floo Network."

" The Ministry is watching-"

" Not Dolores' fireplace. " he smirks.

I smile and we head right over. I grab some floo as we walks me through.

" Shout 'Ministry of Magic' really clearly and throw the floo powder." He instructs.

" Thank you." I say.

He nods and runs off to go somewhere important.

" MINISTRY OF MAGIC!" I yell throwing the powder.

Flames come up as I'm sucked through the fireplace. Kinda like a tube system. I slide out of the fireplace covered in soot. I see an epic battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. I also seeing Harry sitting by a fire trying not to get killed as Voldemort sent some of the spell his way. I ran over and saw all the Order members emerge along with Annabeth. I reach Harry's side.

" Heya Harry everything ok?" I ask.

" But you can't fly!" He whispers.

" Floo Network also tends to be a method of traveling. " I smirk.

He nods as I see Voldemort being wrapped up in a bubble of water. He fell out and gathered a whole bunch of glass and sent them out way. Dumbledore made it all turn to sand. Voldemort disappeared and Dumbledore came over. Suddenly Harry's eyes got all glassy like he was possessed. He looked like he was fighting someone, like Voldemort. He started saying things and Dumbledore spoke up.

" Harry its not you are alike, it's how you are different." He says.

Harry's eyes became normal.

" You'll never win." He managed. " Because you don't have friends. Nor do you feel love. " he struggled.

He then looked like a huge weight was lifted. And then the sand collected into a circular wall around Harry that moved. Voldemort appeared and I jumped. They began talking when suddenly people arrived for a day at work. Voldemort took one glare before disappearing.

" He's back! HES BACK!!" The Minister screams.

" Glad you've finally come to your senses fudge." I say smiling.

He begins to yell at people and what to do as they all run off to their offices. People began to repair the central place seeing as it's a bit destroyed. Reporters soon arrived and took many pictures of Dumbledore and Harry asking questions. The steered away and we all got into a fireplace using floo to go to Hogwarts. 

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