Chapter 16

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Today we arrived at Hogwarts and had a big feast with much food as a welcome home. The Toad was still trying to bark up a conversation.

" And then I said, Minister I can't go on a date with you! You have a wife!" She says laughing.

" Haha." I say bored. " Listen Dolores I need to talk to Severus. Mind trading seats and talk to Annabeth?"

She looks at me before reluctantly trading seats.

" Thank you." He says.

" Yea she's driving me barking mad too. " I say.

" All these unnecessary decrees because she thinks the school has something wrong with it. I don't think she'll be here next year. It's a curse the school has had for decades now." He adds.

I nod. " So each teacher teaching DADA never lasts more than a year?" I ask.

He nods. " More or less."

I smirked and glanced in her direction subtly. " Hopefully the curse continues on." I say.

" Get the Toad to leave and I'll take her spot." He grinned.

" Maybe you should wait till this curse settles down, maybe then you'll stay in the position." I agree with a smile.

" Yes, possibly. " he grunts.

We continue to chat the rest of the night. Snape wasn't as bad as his reputation marked him as the "Dungeon Bat" or the "Greasy Haired Git". I didn't mind Snape's company every now and then we struck up a good conversation, every now and then (when he has a bad day) I leave him be to work out his problems. Dinner is finished and we move onto dessert which was quite lovely. But I excused myself early of having not feeling quite well so I wanted to lie down in my room. I had asked Annabeth to come with me and she did.

" Where are we going?" She asks.

" The Forest. Recent events. I've met a few monsters here. Our monsters to be specific." I say.

" And I wanted to ask Hagrid if he's seen any attack his garden or animals of his. And because he wasn't at dinner or dessert I figured he'd be here" I explain.

I knock on the door and he opens it a crack.

" Ah it's only you two." He says opening it.

" Thank you Hagrid. We wanted to ask you if, you had seen anything strange? Any monsters that you usually don't see. Like ones that'd be from our world?" I ask gesturing to Annabeth and I.

" Actually, I 'ave. " he says.

" Where?"

" Prowling the ou'side of ma hut. An' the place 'ere the grounds an' the forest meet." He says pointing out the window.

I nod. " What did it look like?" I ask.

" I ain't too sure.." he grumbles.

" Did it look like a bull man? Like a man, but with features of a bull?"

He shakes his head.

" Did it have multiple heads?"

He shakes his head.

" Was it female?"

He shrugs.

I was trying to eliminate certain creatures. Not a Minotaur. Or Hydra. And probably not medusa.

" Could it fly?"

He looked uncertain.

" What animal did it most look like Hagrid?"

He shrugged.

" Only saw its 'hadow." He says.

I nod and we leave and I peer into the forest before following Annabeth up to the castle to our room.

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