Chapter 11

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I turned around and raised my arm as he cut down. He made a gash on my arm and I grabbed his sword. I ripped it out of his hand and point to the door.

" OUT!" I bark.

He goes out shockingly. I don't yell. I put his sword in my desk and go out immediately.

" W-what're you g-going to do?" He stutters.

" Why do you always have to be such an idiot!! You always have to be the best. Hurt anything or anyone to get exactly what you want!" I yell.

" It's what I do?" He questions.

" No! You think just because your sooo rich you can get everything you want. But you can't! Sometimes you aren't good enough. You weren't good enough for the Quidditch team so your dad bought everyone new brooms so you could be on the team. You can't be the best at everything!" I shout reaching my climax. My veins were quite visible on my neck. " We're going to Professor Dumbledore's office to discuss this. "

He nods a bit scared so we head to his office. On the way I took of my shirt I was wearing and wrapped it around my gash. Draco was a pain in the ass and I wanted him removed from my class at the least. We entered the office after saying the password.

" Professor Dumbledore I am sorry to barge in but I need to have a word about Mr. Draco Malfoy." I grit.

" Of course! What had he done." He asks.

" He, angry that I told him to stop day dreaming and doodling challenged me to a duel. I won, and put down my weapon walking away, until the little-until he decided he should make his point of being better than me, which he clearly isn't, by making a big gash in my arm about it. " I explain as calm as I could.

" Well what do you think is the suitable punishment?" He asks.

" Being permanently removed from my class, 100 points from Slytherin and a month of detention." I say.

Knowing Dumbledore and Draco's father I couldn't get him expelled. Despite my great want to get him expelled.

" Suitable." He says.

" What?! My father shall hear about this!" Draco protests.

" Oh so when a girl dumps you, you expect your daddy to back you up? You expect your father being a powerful Ministry man to just clean up after your messy mistakes? Get used to it. While I'm here your precious daddy isn't much help. He's not helping you today Malfoy. " I growl.

He nodded slowly. We exited and Annabeth was there.

" I left Harry and Hermione in charge. " she says.

I nod.

" Did he get expelled?" She hopes.

I shake my head. " But he's out of our class. And got a bunch of detentions with Filch. And a bunch of points taken away." I say.

She nods. Madam Pomfrey was there and she unwrapped my shirt and saw the gash.

" Mr. Malfoy sure did quite the damage." She sighs.

" That's why I yelled at him until he understood he's such an idiot to get exactly what he wanted. And he said his father would clean all this up and get him back in the class. But I told him his father won't always be there. And he understood and walked away mortified. " I say.

She chuckles. " He deserved it. He is always complaining and getting what he wants. Serves him right. " She mumbles.

I smile and nod. She gave me something to take once a day for a week before returning it. By then it'll be healed. Hopefully.

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