Chapter 7

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I walk down the corridor to my classroom and turn the corner and I bump into a student. Stupid me.

" Oh! I'm sorry miss." I say.

I gave her books back to her and bent down for the last one.

" It's ok.. Professor Jackson." She says.

I look at her.

" Please, I don't like this Professor thing. It's Percy. What's your name? I don't know if I teach you." I say.

" Oh you do. I'm in your sixth year class. I'm Emily Clackston. " she says.

" Good day Miss Clackston. I will look for you in my class tomorrow after lunch. You're a Hufflepuff?" I say.

" Yes I am." She says.

She walked off. I think she liked me. I shrug it off and enter the classroom. I see Annabeth there.

" Who was she." She demands.

" Who?"

" The student you bumped into." She says.

" Emily Clackston. A student. Sixth year Hufflepuff. It was an accident." I explain. " Besides, how did you know? We're you following me?!"

" No! I was coming to go find you when I saw her on the ground, you on top." She says.

" Oh so you're jealous?" I declare.

" No! I was just curious because it looked like you were enjoying it." She gritted.

" DI IMMORTALS!!" I shout. " It was an accident, I wasn't enjoying it! She was. I think she set it up that way but I sure didn't 'enjoy' it." I say.

" Whatever." She says.

" Just back off. It wasn't anything intentional on my part." I say.

She nods and continues shuffling through papers.

" What're those?" I ask changing subject.

" Oh medical history incidents." She says. " Since we'll be starting attacking tomorrow with the seventh years, I wanted to make sure they had to previous incidents where they or danger onto themselves. "

" Yea ok, this is a school with a team of kids flying on brooms. Basically soccer, on brooms. Just with more, balls involved. You know there's the one you have to score with, the one that will try and kill you, and the one that will end the game. I would guess the twins got injured a few times. Also with their pranking career. " I say.

She nods. " Yea I guess." She says.

" Jm going for a swim. " I say.

" Don't let the giant squid get you." She says carelessly.

I nod and leave to go for a swim.

Annabeth's POV

Of course I was following him. I wanted to know where he was because he wasn't at lunch. When I saw him with the girl I got mad. She was flirting with him! I couldn't stand by. So I made my point that he shouldn't be with anyone else. I hope. Now he was going for a swim. With giant squids and mermaids. Gods I hope he won't get himself killed. I walk along the corridors and I see Clackston walking alone. So I decide to frighten her.

" So, you were the one flirting with Professor Jackson. " I say crossing my arms.

She spun around.

" Who are you? Besides if you knew him at all he prefers to be called Percy, not Professor." She says smugly.

" And if you were to know him at all, you'd know I'm the girl teaching with him because I've known him for a few years longer than you." I say.

She gaped at me.

" Y-y-you're p-p-Professor C-Chase." She stuttered pointing at me.

" And if you knew us at all, I prefer Annabeth, but to you its Professor Chase." I snap.

She ran away. I smiled at my beautiful work. She not getting Percy.

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