Chapter 4

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The students were arriving today. And some teachers. I hated the pink toad the Ministry put here. Already questioning us on how reliable we were. What type of wands we had. We lied and said we didn't bring our wands because we prefer 'muggle fighting'. We were eating lunch today in the Great Hall. The other teachers were pretty cool. Professor Snape was kinda mysterious and enjoyed his time in the dungeons. I surprisingly know this castle fairly well. Even a few times I see horses and I would just chat with them. The pink toad found it weird.. OH WELL. I watched night fall onto the castle as we were rushed into the hall. We took our seat next to Snape and McGonagall. Annabeth was next to McGonagall and I was next to Snape. He was surprisingly good company. Only problem: the toad was sitting between Snape and McGonagall. The students began filling in and I spotted one particular student who people kept glancing at him. He had messy Raven hair and glasses. He was hanging around at the Gryffindor table with two people. A ginger headed boy, and a girl. The first years were sorted rather quickly. At least quicker than I thought. Professor Dumbledore began his speech until of course the pink toad happened.

" Ahem." She says.

He pauses questioning what he heard but continued. Until of course..

" Ahem!" She says rather loud.

People gasped as she came up. I guess nobody has interrupted Dumbledore before. I sigh and massage my temple. Us four Professor looked disgusted at her behavior. We all glared at her as she returned to her seat. Snape leaned in.

" This year is going to be horrid." He whispered.

" Indeed. She's going to want to sack us all. Especially me teaching 14 year olds how to kill people with swords." I say laughing a bit.

He smirked a bit before beginning to eat.

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