Chapter 12

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" DI IMMORTALS!" I yell.

" What?" Annabeth asks.

" He's done it again! Draco's father has me in trial for taking him out of a class that could save his life in the future!" I shout.

" Oh no." She groans.

" And I need at least four witnesses to come with me because he's got four. So I need to match him. " I groan.

" I'll be one. " she offers.

" That'll be excellent. I'll probably get the Trio to be the other three. I have to find them first." I say.

" Check their common room. " she suggests.

" Yes. I'd just have to find Professor McGonagall and ask for the password." I say.

She nods and I leave snatching the parchment. I find her classroom and enter.

" Professor? Minerva?" I ask.

She appears from somewhere.

" Yes Percy?" She asks.

" Do you know the password to the Gryffindor common room? I need to ask Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger if they would like to be witnesses in my case next week." I say.

" Case? What case?" She asks.

I show her my scar. " Malfoy did this." I say.

She sighs. " Yes of course. It is Jelly Slugs. It's just a sweet Percy, not real slugs." She explains.

I nod. She as well as only a few other teachers know I'm not actually a wizard. I nod and go to the Gryffindor Common room. I've had to drop off several first years after they got lost after dinner. I gave the Fat Lady portrait.

" Jelly Slugs." I say.

She surprisingly didn't say anything. Just opened the door and let me through. I see Harry playing with the fire.

" Heya Harry!" I say.

" Percy!" He shouts. " How's the arm?"

" Ok. About that. Malfoy had his father put me in court for taking him out of a valuable class. I need you, Ron and Hermione to be three of my four witnesses. Think you could do it?" I ask.

" HE SENT YOU TO COURT???!!!!!" He exclaims.

I nod. " Well?"

" We'll do it." He says immediately.

" Thanks. We need to put Malfoy into place to show he can't always expect his father to be there. Cause he won't. " I say.

He nods and runs up to the dorms to tell Ron and Hermione. I exit and go back to my classroom where I find Annabeth. I walk over to her.

" Hey." I say.

" Have they agreed?"

" Harry agreed on all of their part, so we are good." I say.

" Oh you should probably tell Dumbledore." She says.

" Right.." I say.

I turn to leave and see him there.

" Of course I'll represent you in your case next week on Saturday at noon." He says.

" Wow! " I say. " How did you-? You know what I'm just not gonna ask. The Ministry told you? Or Mr. Malfoy?"

He smirks a twinkle in his eyes. " Of course."

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