Chapter 5

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I wake up with Annabeth slapping me.

" Di Immortalas!" I shout. " What's that for?" I ask

" Time to get up for breakfast. We're teaching. Remember?" She says.

I groan and she exits so I get dressed in casual wear. I find my way to the Great Hall somehow. This castle is big, but quite easy to navigate. I ate quickly and scanned the Great Hall. The students were eating, chatting, and finishing work. They got their timetables from their head. The older kids looked very confused. I heard the red head from Gryffindor speak out.

" What the bloody Hell is Muggle Fighting for?!" He yelled.

" Hey I don't want to learn like muggles and mudbloods!" A blonde kid yelled from the Slytherin table.

I get up and move out of the Great Hall and enter my classroom. I see Annabeth placing swords in various places.

" Our first class is the fifth years, right before lunch." She says.

I nod and help her. Before we know it, the class filed in.

" The bloody hell are we doing here?" The red head asks.

" What's your name?" I ask.

" Ronald Weasley." He says.

" Well Ronald, we will be learning how to fight." I say.

" But we know how to fight with wands." Ron says.

" It's all we need." The blonde boy says. " Swords? Daggers? Spears?"

" Yea. What's your name?"

" Draco Malfoy." He says proudly.

" Well then. Before we do a little demonstration of something, we need to fit you all with swords, spears, or daggers. " I say.

They groan but agree. I was impressed with some matchups. We luckily got done five minutes early. But I hadn't even noticed that Annabeth wasn't there.

" Ok.. um since Professor Chase, my co-worker doesn't seem to be here at the moment.. let's have you Draco fight me." I say.

He smirks proudly and walks up with his sword. Dangerous type. I took out my ballpoint pen. He just burst out laughing.

" How-are you.. going to fight my sword with a pen..?!!!!" He laughs.

Other students began laughing. Harry Potter wasn't. He was determined for Draco to loose. I liked him. I uncap my pen and his laughing face dropped to see my sword forming into my proud sword. I smirk as he looked like he was going to die as Harry began laughing at Draco. He raised his sword over his head slowly. I easily jab it out of his hands. I point my sword at his throat.

" Easy. " I say.

He looked like he was about to cry.

" And you thought this class was stupid. Now if Annabeth was here I could- oh wait she is here.." I say.

I let Draco return to his seat as I feel around the room.

" Annabeth? Come on out!" I shout.

People began giving me weird looks. What they didn't know. she was wearing her Yankee cap.

" Take off your Yankee cap." I say.

She suddenly does and she attacks me. People gasped and we fought. Jabbing trying to disarm each other. It was a fun practice. Once they had to be dismissed for lunch we did. Harry came up to us.

" That was brilliant sir." He says.

" Thank you Harry. I look forward to teaching you." I say.

He smiled and ran off to his friends.

" Did you see Malfoy's face when I showed him my sword?" I ask.

She nods. " He looked like he was going to pass out from shock!"

" I think he almost did.." I say.

We smiled at our progress and headed off for lunch.

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