Stronger than You

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"Don't fight it girl… it'll only make this harder on you" the man growled as he roughly gripped her hair.

Sky's eyes had not left Negan's and she could see the anger and heartbreak behind his tears. She gave him a knowing kind of look, trying to communicate with her eyes and he saw them darken, a deep rage burning inside of her.

Before anyone knew what the hell was going on the leader of the group let out an almighty blood curdling kind of scream as Sky clenched her teeth together as hard as she could, severing the disgusting appendage from the man's body completely as he dropped to the ground clutching the area.

Spitting the filth from her mouth she threw her head back as hard as she could, connecting with the nose of the man holding her hostage.

While he was distracted by his pain she ripped the knife from his hands, plunging it into the skull of the third man with the gun, dropping him instantly, before returning her attention back to the man with the now broken nose, plunging the blade into his head, killing him in a matter of seconds.

Negan quickly kicked into life as the scene unfolded before his eyes, sinking his teeth into the arm of the man holding him, he tore away a chunk of flesh.

The bastard let out a yelp and released Negan enough for him to squirm out of his chokehold, tearing the knife from his hands and stabbing it through his eye socket.

The last remaining guy pulled his gun on Negan, letting of a shot, but Negan's rage burned so bright there was no stopping him, he was far too quick.

Shoving the gun away from him he thrust his blade into the man's stomach, ripping it upwards tearing his stomach open disembowelling him. He watched as the man fell to the floor, desperately trying to stuff his guts back into his stomach while he choked on his own blood.

"Sky" Negan whispered, so softly it almost came out as a whimper from his lips as he looked to his wife, his arms outstretched beckoning her to him.

As Sky started towards him they heard a voice from outside call "Everything okay boss?" and a man started to make his way through the back door. Negan grabbed his bat and swung as hard as he could at the man's face, knocking him to the ground.

He continued to bring the weapon down into the man's skull until it was nothing but mush. By the time he was done Negan was covered in blood splatters, but he couldn't care less. He wasn't about to let any of these fuckers anywhere near his wife.

Grabbing up his backpack of supplies he slung it over his shoulder as he rushed to Sky scooping her up in his strong arms. He felt her warm tears against his neck and it made his heartbreak even more.

Holding his wife in his arms he heard the piece of shit whimpering on the floor behind him, still clutching the place where his pathetic needle dick used to be. Giving Sky a quick kiss on the forehead he released her and stalked angrily over to the fuckhead on the floor.

"You filthy mother fucker! I told you you'd regret ever touching her you god damned piece of shit!" he yelled as he brought the assholes face up towards him by the scruff of his shirt as he landed punch after punch to his face until he was no longer recognisable.

His face was nothing but pulp, and oxygen was no longer being wasted on his pathetic worthless life, Negan having killed him with his bare hands. He spat at the man in anger before he turned back to his wife, the rage in his eyes softening as he looked at her.

All he wanted was to tell her how sorry he was and make it all go away, but he knew they had to get the fuck out of there. No doubt there were another couple of guys still to take care of outside.

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