Time to let out some Rage

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A few days later while Sky was working in the infirmary with Chris and the others Negan came storming in, Lucille clenched tightly in his fist.

"Sky, I need you with me… now!" he growled. He was clearly upset and angry, a swirl of emotions were evident on his face, but it wasn't directed at her.

Without a word to the others she followed him out, struggling to keep up with his large strides. Following him into their quarters he slammed the door shut behind him.

"Negan… what's wrong? Are you hurt?" she asked, worried about the way he was acting.

"No, I'm fine Darlin'… I'm just fucking pissed" he said angrily.

"Talk to me, what's going on?" she asked as she approached him, reaching out to touch his face he backed away. Instantly he regretted it when he saw the hurt flash across her face. She quickly tried to brush it off like it was nothing, but he knew what he had done.

"Some fucker killed a bunch of my men… I'm beyond fucking mad Sky, I'm about to lose my shit and I don't know what to fucking do. I shouldn't have come to you. It's not safe for you to be around me right now" he growled as he slammed his fist on the desk, making her jump in fright.

"We're in this together. I want to help you" she told him.

"You can't help me… I'm fucked! Everywhere I fucking look people are coming after me. You shouldn't be with me Sky, I'm going to get you killed" he said, the mere thought of it turning his stomach. His first thought when he got made after hearing the news was that he needed to see Sky, and now he was thinking that it was better for her to be far away from him. He felt so conflicted.

"That's my choice to make" she replied sternly.

"I have so much blood on my hands, I can't have yours on there too".

"I told you that I was with you no matter what and I fucking meant it. And if you've changed your mind and this is not what you want any more you better fucking tell me right now because it's going to take me a long fucking time to figure out how to stop loving you" she cried with tears welling up in her eyes as the thought of losing him.

"Ahhh fuck Darlin', I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it" he sighed as he rushed towards her a picked her up in his arms holding her in a tight hug before setting her back on her feet. "I just… with everything going on. I'm so scared of losing you. I've never been scared of anything in this world and when I think of losing you I just get so irrational.

My brain goes a hundred miles an hour and I can't think. I feel like I can't keep you safe and the best chance you have is to be as far away from me as possible. But Darlin', believe me that is not what I fucking want… not at all" He said as he kissed her hard.

"Good because I'm not going anywhere" she reassured him. "Don't you ever make me think you're leaving me" she said angrily as she slapped his chest. "You asshole you made me cry" she half laughed as she wiped away at her tears.

"I'm sorry Darlin' I didn't mean to upset you. I just got a little crazy. Sometimes I just want to run away from all this so it's just me and you" he admitted as he leaned down resting his forehead against hers. "This world makes me so fucking angry sometimes and I just lose control".

"Then lose control Babe… it's ok" she whispered as she placed her hands on his chest, feeling his breaths start to slow down as he relaxed a little.

"I wanna lose control with you" he growled seductively.

"The do it" she grinned.

"You sure about that?"

"I can take anything you give me"

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