Out in the Open

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"So... you and Chris were in here for a while before, do I need to be jealous Darlin'?" he asked, that confident cocky grin on his face like he knew damn well what he was suggesting was ridiculous. As if she would ever want or need another man.

"You know I only have eyes for one man" she smiled as she waited patiently while he removed his jacket.

"I know Darlin'... I'm just fucking with you. Besides, it isn't you I'd be worried about anyway. A woman as damn sexy as you, I bet all the guys around here are wishing they had you. They can keep their dirty fucking hands off though" he laughed. "So why the heart to heart with old Chris?" he asked curiously.

"Trust me you don't wanna know"

"Oh... I'm pretty sure I do" he said as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Dwight was in here earlier" she began.

"That stupid mother fucker... I warned him, fuck I should have just killed that bastard. Did he touch you?" he asked quickly, the concern clear in his voice.

"No... no he didn't. I had to stitch up his face. I'm guessing that was you're handy work?"

"Sure was, wishing I gave him a couple more right about now. I warned him to stay away from you".

"He got all threatening with me... he knows Negan"

"Fuck, that's it... I'm gonna kill him" Negan said as he got up off the bed gripping Lucille tight, a look of pure anger burning in his hazel eyes. Before he could get any further Sky placed a hand on his chest pushing him back down.

"Are you listening? He knows..." she repeated.

"I don't give a fuck if he knows Darlin'... I couldn't give two shits if the whole world knew. I'm done fucking hiding it. But I can't have that stupid son of a bitch threatening you. That shit is not cool"

"It's ok I'm fine" she tried to reassure him. "Shirt off" she demanded, trying to keep him focussed on the task at hand.

"Really Darlin'? You think now is the time to be getting me naked?" he chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you got work to be doing, but fuck... if you insist. You know I can't say no to you..."

"Smart ass" she giggled as she watched him remove his white shirt, taking a moment to admire his body. Sitting down on the chair she took a look at his stiches as he leaned back for her. "They have healed really nicely, even with all your extra-curricular activities" she laughed. "I think we're ok to remove them now" she said as she began to carefully cut them and pull them through the skin. "All done" she exclaimed after a few minutes.

"Good. One less thing for me to fucking worry about" he said as he ran his hand over his face wearily.

"Don't worry about Dwight, I'm not scared of him. He's just being a little bitch because he's not your number one guy anymore".

"Damn right he's being a little bitch... is my filthy language rubbing off on you Darlin'.... I like it!" he grinned widely. "What exactly did he say to you?"

"He said that he saw the two of us leaving your quarters this morning. He told me that I am your weakness, and weaknesses can be exploited" She repeated.

"That fucking asshole. I swear to god if he so much as touches you, I will fucking kill him" Negan said angrily. "God damn I want to smack that little prick right now... who the fuck does he think he is".

"He also said that sneaking around could get the both of us into trouble. What if he wants to bring you down, you know stage a coup or something so that he can take your place as leader?" she said a little worried.

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