Your a Daddy ?

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Negan had had a bit of a shit day with some people within his ranks beginning to question his authority. He knew that in being with Sky, people would see his caring as a weakness, but he felt it was a strength. It made him a better person. 

But if people were going to start fucking with him, then he was going to have to show them just how ruthless he could be. Sure he had revealed a little of his softer side, mostly to Sky, but in no way was he going soft in his ruling of the saviours. 

If violence was what was needed to keep everyone in line, then he was more than ok to provide it. When he made it back to their quarters later that night he found Sky waiting for him on the sofa, looking very pleased with herself.

"What's got you looking like the cat who caught the mouse?" he asked curiously.

Without saying a word she tossed him the pill bottle and watched as his brow furrowed with confusion. "What's this? New pain meds? Are you high as a kite again Darlin'?" He chuckled.

"Nope, well maybe high on love" she giggled.

"Alright... spill it" he said as he sat down next to her slinging an arm over her shoulder and pulling her close as he eyed the pill bottle suspiciously.

"They're fertility drugs" she stated, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"No shit!?"

"No shit" she grinned. "These are gonna help us have a baby" she smiled as she took the bottle from his hands and shook it with excitement.

"You mean... I'm gonna be a fucking daddy?" he asked excitedly.

"All going well... yep!"

"Jesus fucking Christ... fuck I love you!" he exclaimed as he pulled her into his lap and kissed her passionately, grinning from ear to ear. "So how does this work? Are there risks? When do we get started?" he blurted out, a million questions floating through his mind.

"Slow down babe" she giggled, loving his infectious excitement about the prospect of having a child. "I have to start taking them during my next period... which should be due in a few days, but with my cycle who knows. Then theoretically the drugs should make my body ovulate somewhere between five and ten days after taking them" she explained.

"So how do we know which day is the right day?"

"We don't..."

"So plenty of sex then!" he laughed.

"As if we know anything else" she laughed in response.

"This is true. So... the risks?" he asked cautiously.

"Side effects can include headaches, hot flushes and sore boobs" she told him. "And there is a risk of multiple births".

"You mean twins?" he asked a little shocked.

"Or triplets" she added.

"Wow!" he smiled.

"That thought doesn't scare you?"

"Fuck no Darlin'... I could have a whole damn tribe with you. One, two or three babies, makes no difference to me" he grinned.

"Yeah well... you're not the one that has to push them out" she said, a little daunted by that fact.

"You'll be amazing Darlin', trust me" he smiled as he pressed his lips to hers in a sweet and reassuring kiss. "Holy fuck... I can't believe this. I mean, what are the fucking odds that we find fertility drugs at the end of the world!" Negan exclaimed.

"It's pretty amazing right?"

"Amazing is a fucking understatement Darlin', this is a god damn miracle. Someone is looking out for us that's for sure. Fuck I want to make love to you right now" he grinned as he began to peel off her clothes.

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