
18 1 0

WARNING! This chapter covers the topic of sexual assault (which if you have been following this story isn't anything new to you) but read on at your own risk.

It had been just over a week since Sky and Negan had found their new home, and now that they were nicely settled in, it felt like just that… home. Sky had been busy making separate inventories, one for food, one for medical supplies, and one for anything else.

After her massive score on her run a couple of weeks ago they had enough food to last them at least three months, and plenty for the babies when they came. With the fruit trees out the back that provided them with extra food, and Sky hoped to find some seed to get things growing in the vegetable garden.

She still couldn't believe that everything had miraculously fallen into place, they were now living a relatively normal life as a married couple expecting children. Of course the dead were still roaming the earth, but hey. Not everything was perfect right?

Together they had decided that today was the day to go and check out the general store. That was their best bet at more supplies, and once they had raided that, they would slowly go house to house gathering up what they could.

In the week that they had been there they hadn't seen any sign of people, only walkers. Once upon a time that would be a horrible thought, but now… it was perfect.

Negan missed being the leader of the sanctuary, he missed having an army. But he certainly didn't miss how much time and effort that took away from him. Although he missed aspects of it, he was content being the man his wife needed him to be. He still had a sense of purpose, one that was stronger than ever. He would protect his family with all he had.

Loading up their weapons, Sky drove the car down to the gate where Negan was waiting, having taken out a stray walker that was hanging around before he opened it up for her, locking it behind them as they left. "Darlin'… I want you to stay behind me at all times you hear?" Negan instructed.

"I don't want you in harms way any more than necessary. Hell I don't even like the idea of you being outside our walls" he admitted.

"Don't worry babe. You know me, I can handle myself. But I promise, I'll stay behind you" she reassured him, knowing he needed to protect her.

Parking up outside they both got out and scouted the area, Negan took out an approaching walker with his bat, while Sky took out another with a machete. Negan took his bat and tapped it on the front door, waiting to see if there was any noise or movement inside… nothing. That was promising. He tried the handle, but it was locked.

"We'll check the back" he told Sky as he headed around the side of the building with her covering his back, taking out another walker as he went. It felt kind of good to get out and kill a few walkers, he enjoyed the rush of it. As they came to the back door Negan tried it, but found it too was locked.

He took a crowbar to it and busted it open, his bat at the ready and his hand not too far from his gun as he slowly entered the building. Sky closed the door behind them and secured it, so that they weren't surprised by any walkers, flicking on her flashlight as she followed carefully behind him.

Negan let out a whistle in an attempt to draw out any stray walkers but the place was empty. Looking around they began to stash items of food and anything else of use into their backpacks. "This is a great find!" Sky exclaimed excitedly.

"Sure is sweetheart" Negan grinned as he found a nice looking bottle of scotch and tucked it into his bag. "Darlin' Shhhh" Negan instructed, thinking he heard a noise.

The two of them immediately stopped what they were doing and held their weapons tight. Negan heard the unmistakable sound of car doors closing and he looked to Sky in worry.

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