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Prepare yourself for more shameless Negan and Sky smut in this chapter too! I just can't get enough of writing this story. I'm doing my best to stick to the Negan attitude we have seen on the show, while exploring his gentler side as well.

When Sky woke the next morning she was feeling better than she had in years. Memories of the night before flooded through her mind and she smiled at the thought of Negan. The smell of him still lingered on her sheets and she wished she could have woken up next to him, but on the other hand Negan walking out of her room in the morning would raise plenty of eyebrows and she would rather avoid that. It was probably better for the both of them that this thing between them remained a secret.

Checking her watch she saw that it was only 5am, perfect, she had enough time to grab a shower and some breakfast before her 6am shift at the infirmary started.

As Sky stood in line at the dining hall grabbing some breakfast she felt a familiar presence behind her, and when she turned around she saw Negan standing dangerously close to her, a tray in one hand a Lucille in the other.

"Morning Doc" he said with his usual charming smile.

"Morning sir" she replied, trying hard to avoid his penetrating gaze for fear of blushing too hard.

"How's the arm?" he asked as he ran his fingers over her stitches while no one was watching, sending tingles down her spine.

"It's healing up nicely" she smiled as she finished up getting her food.

"See you around Darlin'" he whispered quietly as he gave her a cheeky wink. Trying hard not to blush she gave him a smile and quickly went to join the rest of the medical team at their usual table.

"The boss seems to have taken a shine to you" Chris said with a smile.

"He was asking how my arm was healing" Sky replied, thinking to herself 'oh you don't even know the half of it'.

"I guess doctors are hard to come by in the world these days so he'll be making sure you stick around" one of the interns spoke up.

"You're probably right" she smiled.

The day went by pretty fast for Sky in the infirmary. The second supply run crew had returned just before lunch time and there were a few wounded to take care of as well as a couple of new people to check over. Sky had a tricky job trying to create a cast for a broken arm without the proper materials, but her make shift construction seemed to do the job ok.

She was glad when her shift was over and hurried off to the dining hall for dinner. She had been so busy she had forgotten to stop for lunch. Wolfing down her dinner she finished quickly and headed back to her room for the night, it had been a long day and she was pretty tired.

As soon as he was in the comfort and privacy of her room she stripped off her clothes and threw on a comfortable tank top and a small pair of shorts to sleep in. If she was being honest with herself, she was a little disappointed that she didn't get to see Negan any more after breakfast. Part of her hoped he would stop by the infirmary. She wasn't exactly sure what this thing between them was, but she knew it was different from anything she had experienced before, and she got the feeling it was new territory for him too.

Crawling into bed and pulling up the covers she closed her eyes and willed herself to stop thinking about Negan. It took a while for her brain to switch of, but once it had she was out like a light.

Sky woke suddenly to the sound of knocking at her door. She checked her watch and it was 11pm. Worry struck her thinking something bad had happened, someone must have been hurt and they needed her in the infirmary. She lept out of bed and rushed to the door unlocking it and peering out.

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