The Ring

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Negan arrived back in the early hours of the morning. It had been a long ass night taunting Rick's group and showing them who was boss. He took a quick shower to wash the remainder of the blood from his skin and hair before climbing into bed alongside Sky. Wrapping his arm around her body he pulled her close to him as he let out a deep sigh.

"Everything ok Babe?" she whispered.

"Sorry did I wake you Darlin'?"

"No, I was already awake. I can't sleep when you're not here. You make me feel safe" she told him as she snuggled in close.

"Sorry Darlin'…"

"It's ok, you're here now".

"I had to kill a couple of people tonight" he confessed.

"At least they'll know not to fuck with you again" Sky told him.

"That's for fucking sure" he said as he lay there thinking for a moment. Sky could sense his tension and she knew that he wasn't too happy about what he had to do.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked.

"When I'm in the moment… and this world is my stage, I feel invincible. And when I have to beat someone to death, a part of me enjoys letting all that rage out. Do you think I'm a bad man Sky?" he asked, the vulnerability and worry clear in his voice.

"Of course not. If you were a bad man, I wouldn't be here. I spent a couple of months with bed men Negan… I know one when I see one, and you are far from it".

"Even though I kill? And I enjoy it sometimes?"

"I think that's just how the world is now. You have to kill to survive. And well, I'm not saying you should enjoy it as such, but it's ok to enjoy the power that comes from knowing you are doing what you have to, to keep this group safe".

"You know… when it's all said and done, I don't enjoy it afterwards. I don't like having done it. But in the moment I know that it is what has to be done in order to stay on top and keep you safe. That's all I care about in this whole fucked up world, is keeping you and my babies safe" he told her seriously.

"I know Negan. You're a good man, and you'll be an amazing father. Get some sleepy Babe, try not to think about it" she said as she placed his large hand on her small baby bump. "Think about our babies instead. Think of all the things you are going to teach them. All the wonderful things you will get to see as you watch them grow" she whispered.

"Will you marry me Sky?" he asked, his voice deep and husky. "I mean really marry me. Not like the wives I used to have where it was all just macho bullshit, flaunting my fucking ego. I want to put a ring on your finger and promise myself to you and you only for all of eternity" he whispered.

"Babe, if you can by some miracle get us some rings and find someone to marry us, I would be happy to be your wife" she smiled as she turned her head to kiss him softly.

"Perfect. Consider it done" he grinned. "Goodnight Darlin'" he whispered as he snuggled in close, breathing in the scent of her shampoo as her hair tickled neck.

"Night Babe" she whispered sleepily as she began to drift off in his arms.

While Sky was asleep Negan went about setting his plan into motion. As he held her hand in his, careful not to wake her he sized up her ring finger. After checking it various ways he decided it was about the same size as his little finger and that would be his best bet at finding her the right size ring.

The following day Negan was on a mission. He rounded up a large bunch of his men to go on a quick run. There was a small department store nearby and he knew for a fact that it had a jewellery store. Under the guise of hitting the other stores in the complex the team set out in their vehicles with an arsenal of weapons, ready to fight the undead. They hadn't yet hit this one because the last time they had checked it out it was crawling with walkers, he was hoping things had died down a little since then.

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