Anyways, not to sound too confident or anything because I hate those types of people even though I'm acting like one, I know for a fact try outs will be good.

* * *

I pull up my black basketball shorts and pull on my practice t-shirt before tying up my shoes. I then throw up my hair into a lazy ponytail then head out of the change rooms.

I join the other girls who are circled around the coach as they wait for instructions. Luckily, he started as soon as I joined.

"Okay, we're planning on having two try outs, our next one will be tomorrow right after school. For both try outs, we're going to begin with dynamic stretching. Go."

The coach then shoos us away then goes and sits beside the other coaches.

We quickly do all of our stretches then are instructed to grab a basketball and begin to just warm up.

After warm up we proceeded to drills which were pretty easy to understand and do. Maddison I have to admit is pretty good, but I have a sort of confidence that I'll be able to "break her ankles" easily.

Haha I love that term. If only I could actually break her ankles but you know that isn't considered right in our communities eyes.

We have probably 15 minutes left for try outs and now we're waiting for the coach to come out with some pennies so we can be on separate teams.

"Edgar!" The coach yells at Maddison then throws her a blue jersey.

He eventually gets to me and throws me a red one.

Perfect! I'm not on Maddison's team!

For five minutes, the first game began. Red and blue watched yellow and green play against one another. I was really impressed with the amount of skill on the team.

A lot of the girls are super fast and can shoot like you wouldn't believe. I'm just happy that I won't be on a shitty team if I make it.

The buzzer goes off signalling the end of the five minute game.  The girls come running back to the side of the court where we're all sitting and the coach grabs his clip board out and yells out our positions.

"Thompson and Edgar, you're both going to be point guard for your teams." The coach finalizes.

I look at Maddison with a slight grin, ready to take her on.

Sure it's only five minutes but hey! I can still be super competitive.

Maddison sends a glare my way resulting in me rolling my eyes. Maddison all but stomps to her teammates as they prepare for jump ball.

Throughout the game, Maddison and I have been shoving one another and barely getting any shots off since we both are covering each other way too much. All I know is that when I get the ball next I'm going to deck a bitch hopefully.

Nah! I'm just kidding! I got to make sure I can stay calm.

A girl passes the ball to Maddison which she gracefully picks up. She dribbles the ball, looking to see if her teammates are open. I've got to admit, she's really good, I just can't wait for her to-

At last moment, I hit the ball before Maddison can bounce it back down again and take off.

This is my chance!

I dribble down the court, Maddison's loud footsteps trailing behind me.

Damn she's fast! Good thing I'm faster.

I speed up and eventually get to the point where I begin to take my steps for the layup. I bounce the ball off the high corner of the square of the backboard and watch it gently go through the net.

I look at Maddison with a smirk on my face as there's only a second left on the scoreboard. I walk past Maddison, making sure to hit her with her shoulder and whisper quietly, "Good luck getting that one back."

My teammates pat me on the back and congratulate me on the breakaway shot as we line up for the jump ball.

When the ball is thrown up in the air, instead of Maddison going to go get it after her team takes the ball, she hits me instead.

Talk about a sore loser.

I feel the wind get knocked out of me once I hit the floor. Gasping for air I begin to panic. Oddly, Mason is leaning over me, his face blocking out everyone else's. His face is literally the definition of worry.

"Harley, Harley!" He yells and moves my chin to look towards him. I watch Ben come basically push him out of the way.

"Breath Harley!" Mason yells as tears flood my eyes.

Finally, I inhale deeply and start coughing violently. I then sit up and look over at Mason.

"Just for clarification, you telling me to breath wasn't the reason I began to breath. Do not let this go to your head." I warned, making him laugh.

"Come on let's get you up." Ben whispers then grabs my arms and pulls me up. Mason helps and keeps me balanced with his hands on my waist.

I roll my eyes but am super surprised when mason comes running up and takes my face in his hands.

"Are you okay?" He asks but I ignore him.

I glance over at Maddison who is sending many glares at me, or more importantly, the spot Mason was holding me.

Oh! She's mad at me cause she likes Mason. Though, I don't see how that makes me a problem.

"Edgar! What the hell!" Coach yells at her.

I watch Maddison just roll her eyes and walk away, making my eyes widen. Someone is going to get into shit.

"Are you okay?" Coach then asks me, his eyes holding sympathy.

"Yeah! I'm fine now, I just couldn't breath for a bit I guess." I say with a small smile.

Getting the wind knocked out of you isn't all that bad I suppose, but the panic you feel is a whole other story. I thought I was dying!

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't see a school basketball court this year, you can take her spot if you want." He gives me a polite smile but my eyes widen.

"What? No! I want to get on this team fair and square."

What can I say? If she gets on the team and I take her captain spot right from under her, she'll freak and I'll win.

"If that's what you want." He says in an unsure tone.

"It's what I want." I confirm.

My plan is a go.

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