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Yegor's POV/

After apprehending Rider, we gagged him with a cloth and bounded his wrists and legs. Then I had placed him in our van. It was time to head back. Mission accomplished. Kevin Stoll would be pleased. But there was something nagging at the back of my mind as I looked at the limp teenager. He killed my brother. That was what Scorpia had told me. This boy. He was something.

But no matter. I would soon have my revenge. I contacted my boss to confirm the kidnapping and went off.

Alex POV/
I woke up in a cell. The walls were barren concrete. Memories of Jack and the cell crept back into my mind. I tried my best to compress those feelings back down. I would not show any weakness. Look what that had gotten me a year ago.

I felt a sharp pain jab at my arm. Then the memories came rushing back like a huge tidal wave. The shooting, me blacking out. Some one had shot me. It wasn't enough to cause something severe. My wrists and arms were tied and my mouth was gagged with a cloth and I tried not to gag at the filthy smell of sweat.

I had immediately begun searching for a way out. The bars were strong, so that wouldn't work. I assessed every angle and possible risks, flipping them over again and again in my mind, trying to formulate a solid plan.

Then the door to my cell opened. The unknown man I had recalled emerged. I looked closer. He looked so familiar. I wanted to speak, but my mouth was still gagged, so all I could do was stare at the man.

"Alex Rider. My boss has been dying to meet you."

General POV/
Alex was ushered into a room eerily similar to the room Razim had brought him to at Cairo. But instead of a pain measuring machine, there was a chair. It was like an interrogation chamber. The four barren concrete walls stared back at him as he looked around. He was shoved roughly into the chair.

Kevin had entered the room, dressed in a fancy Armani suit. He signalled for the guards to disperse until only he and Alex remained.

"Ah. Alex Rider. I have heard so much about you. So many amazing stories." He had an evil grin plastered on his face.

Alex said nothing.

"Do you know what you have done to our status? So many potential buyers refuse to hire us after that stunt you pulled back at Cairo. You have diminished our ranks from hundreds to one tenths. And now, you will pay for your actions with your life. But before we start with anything, before I kill you on the spot, I want to tell you something."

Kevin leaned his head close enough and whispered something into Alex's ear. Alex's eyes widened as he stared at Kevin with angry eyes. Sadness and anger were reflected in his brown orbs. Kevin chuckled. A screen then lowered in front of him.

It showed the entire map of Britain. A red dot was pointing directly at the Brookland Comprehensive School. Sabina. He remembered. She has got to be worried sick by now. Kevin stood in front of him.

"Tell me. Have you ever liked football? Well, I have. It's one of my favourite sports since I was young. I hace always sided with the Chelsea football team. What about you?"

Alex said nothing again.

Kevin had started to get annoyed but hid his anger with a smile. He zoomed the picture until the little red dot reduced in size to point at a particular location. Brooklyn high. His current school where he went with Sabina.

"The Chelsea football team are on their way there for a little demonstration." He zoomed in to the compound of the school. He recognized the fields he had spent playing P.E. in. It was like there was a hidden camera that nobody knew about. It reached the field itself. There was a goal post. But there was something attached to it. A small silver device that was blinking red. It was the size of a small disk and it was attached to the metal pole supporting the checkered net.

"I have currently planted twenty bombs in this school. All placed at dofferent locations." The picture changed to a map of the school. Four red dots were pin pointed exactly on each location. One was located in the science chemistry lab on the ground level. Another one in the physics lab on the third floor and another one in the biology lab on the fourth floor. The other seventeen bombs were located in other places. Scattered all around like seeds dispersed into the wind.

"The effect of each bomb will be able to emit a massive amount of radiating. There are currently 40,000 students having their usual lessons right now. All unknown to the threat that faces them. If all 20 bombs were to go off at the exact precise moment, the amount of radiation that enters each human body adult or child will be enough to kill. Need I remind you that there are reactive materials located next to each location to help to enlarge the effect by at most ten times the original impact. Everyone will die in approximately sixty seconds. It will be enough to wipe out the entire country in one go and possibly some remaining effects on the surrounding countries. That's including the football team. It's a shame they'll all have to die. But their deaths will be on you. Only I have the remote to shut off all the bombs. It took quite a huge funding to help me afford all these explosives as these bombs are quite special, considering the limited amount of resources we have. These bombs have some sort of unstable energy in them that will only require twenty four hours to set it off. It begins counting... now." He pressed a button on his remote and the red dots started to blink as the countdown initiated.

"Project Hades will surely provide a spectacular outcome." The man he had seen earlier came from behind Kevin as he lifted his gun. Kevin then walked out of the room as Alex heard the gunshot and he blacked out once again.

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