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"What happens to me, now?" Alex asked. They were sitting in Mrs Jones office and Alex felt a twinge of guilt as he spotted the cleaners who were cleaning up the mess he made.

"You'll go back to your normal life. The Pleasures were quite worried about your sudden disappearance." She replied as she stacked her papers.

Oh no. Alex had forgotten to call Sabina and her parents. She was probably going to have his head when she got a hold of him. But this had somehow made him smile.

"I'm sorry. For trying to kill you." Was all he said. Mrs Jones looked at him, surprised.

"You don't need to be. I admit that I had a part to play in your current development. I'm the one who should be sorry, Alex. Not you. Never you. I never should have allowed Alan to recruit you as one of us just because of your heritage. It was a fool of me to go through with it. And believe me when I say I blame myself for everything that you've been through this past entire year." Alex was speechless at her words. Never had he seen this side of her. The caring side. He had only ever seen her business side and this was a new thing. But he knew that everyone, even Mrs Jones, was capable of emotion.

"What happened to Yegor?" Alex asked, remembering the Russian assassin who had saved his life not once, but twice in the process and Alex could never repay him.

"Mr Gregorovich is currently quarantined in one of our many escape-proof holding cells." She replied.

"What's going to become of him? You're not going to kill him, are you?"

"I have placed Agent Crawley with the responsibility of seeing to Mr Gregorovich's future. He will be questioned of course. We need to be assured that Scorpia will not rise from the dead again. And to answer your question, no. He might be proven to be a valuable asset to our organization having obviously possessed the traits of a great spy. Now, I believe Smithers is waiting for you in his office. Goodbye, Alex. And take care." Mrs Jones said.

"Ah! Alex, old chap! It's good to see you're still in one piece. You are one lucky boy. I heard of what you've been through these past few weeks. Everyone's been talking about that stunt you pulled the other day. I couldn't  get to my office with hearing your name in each sentence." Smithers said.

He sat on his chair with his facade of an obese man. "Alex, I have something here for ya. A small parting gift if you will."

Alex widened his eyes. "You're leaving?"

"Yeah. I've been transferred to work for the CIA. I'll be working with the Americans following next week. I've got to admit, I'll miss you old chap, after all the things we've done together." He was scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"I'll miss you too." Alex replied with a smile. He always did like Smithers and his cheerful attitide.

Smithers had broken into a smile. "The present will be delivered at the doorstep of the Pleasures' household. Something you've always been asking for since the day you stepped into my office." Alex wasn't even going to ask how he got the Pleasures' household address. He supposed Smithers had his ways.

Alex had arrived back home. He wondered about Sabina. When he rang the doorbell a little nervously like a kid planning to ask his crush on a date, Sabina's face appeared. She stared at him wide eyed as if she had seen a ghost and Alex was met with a bone-crushing hug.

"Alex? Is that you?" Edward and Liz Pleasure had emerged from the living room only to smile brightly at the sight in front of them. Liz had hugged Alex and Edward had placed a hand on him, both had signs of relief in their eyes.

"Where have you been? Tell me all about it. Oh and by the way, there was a package for you. It's from an unknown address. It's right out in the backyard. Too big to fit through our door." Sabina replied.

Alex approached the backyard only to be met with an enormous parcel.

He opened it and gasped at what was in it.

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