Rough Nights

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All the units had finished their night exercises for the day and it was lights out. K-Unit slept soundly in their bunks. Alex couldn't sleep. He was afraid of the nightmares that would always plague his dreams. But soon, sleep overwhelmed him.

Alex dreamt of his memories. His mission back at Point Blanc, the mechanical shark attack at Cayó Esqueleto (Skeleton Key), Yassen's death, Ash's death and John Rider and the exchange across Albert Bridge. And finally, the one that had terrified him most of all. Jack's death. He watched it happen all over again. Razim hooking him up to the machine, explaining to Alex how he had sabotaged Jack's car by placing a a few dynamite sticks under the vehicle. And he made Alex watch in horror as the car exploded, bringing Jack along with it. Alex could almost hear Jack's voice blaming him for her death. He called out Jack's name.

"JACK! NO!" The entire K-Unit woke up on the spot. The fastest was Ben. He threw his covers onto the floor and hurried over to Alex's bunk. His eyes widened at the thrashing form that was Alex.

"It must be a nightmare. It sounds serious." Ben shook Alex gently but Alex kicked him in the face. He reeled back in surprise as Alex thrashed some more. Ben tried to get closer to him. After a few dodges and blocks of his own, he did.

"Alex! Alex, wake up! You're dreaming!" Alex bolted awake. He was sweating. But he just cast a weird look at his entire unit who were all looking at him with concern clear in their eyes. "Why are you guys looking at me all funny?"

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