Chapter 21

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Today is the day that Africa gets out of the hospital. Her dad signed the release forms before he left. Mike left 3 days ago and Jamal has been inside of her room ever since then. He has been wanting to talk to Africa, but he sees that she needs some time alone. He thinks that he has been kind of smothering her. Since the papers were signed, he just had to let Africa know and get her packed up to leave. He is about to tell Africa that its time to go.

Jamal POV

I enter her room and see her laying on the bed flipping through channels. I see progress in her, with me and within herself. She actually talks back to me. Her smart mouth aint back yet, but she is broken so I understand. She can slightly lift her arm, but that leg got her stuck. Which is where I come in.

"Hey A"

"Hi" She said kind of dryly. 

"Uh..I got some good news ba- buddy" She turned to look at me.

"My dad is coming back sooner?"

"Uhh..No thats not it, but uhh you get to leave " I seen the sparkle in her eyes. 

"When?" She said trying ot sit up.

I chuckled. "Today...Well..Now if you want to" She looked at me and back down at her hands that laid in front of her. 

"Umm..Alright. Get the release forms from the doctor, and I will start getting ready."

"Mike already signed them and you cant get up on your own"

"I can get up on my own...Just wait outside"

"STOP refusing my help. Please" He face softened and looked a little annoyed. I guess I have to back off some. 

Afria POV

I guess I am being a little mean. Who am I kidding? I AM being a complete bitch. I aint mean to come off like that. Considering my dad is gone and he has to help me, well not have to but is willing to help. I need to get it together. He was walking out of the room when I called his name.

"Yeah?" Damn he sound sad

"Umm..Can you.uh. can you help me to the bathroom?" He smiled at me, licked his lips and walked to my bed. He took my legs and put them on the edge of the bed. He went to the door and grabbed my crutches. Damn. I said can HE help me. He held one and helped me off the bed. I landed on the floor and stumbled some. I grabbed the crutch and tried to hop to the bathroom. FAIL. I fell on my shoulder. I screamed out in pain. He came and knelt down to me.

"Africa. Im sorry. I didnt mean to"

"Jamal. you didnt do anything. Im alright" He helped my up and tried to pick me up bridal style.

"No NO No.." He lookedat me like I had 2 heads. "Girl whats the problem?" Okay I am a little conscious about him picking me up. I aint want to hurt him. He would break his back.

"Umm. I can limp. I need to learn to do this on my own" I said lying through my teeth.

"Whatever Africa" He sounded annoyed. He walked me to the bathroom and I closed the door behind me. I looked at myself before I wen to the toilet. I looked a mess. Aint nobody even tell me. My eyes were baggy and I looked a little pale. My hair. My goodness thats another story. I handled my business and opened the door. He was waiting there for me. He helped me to sit back on the bed, while he packed my stuff. He only took 10 minutes and I was ready to go.

Africa (urban)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum