Chapter 2

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Africa POV

Man.. who the hell did he think he was talking to? I should cuss his ass out! Who am I kidding? I hate that damn word. Bitch. It is really strong when used by the right person. It hurts everytime someone says it to me. Me and that word just dont mix. I felt my eyes start to burn and squint a little. I squeezed my bag tighter and thought about what my dad would tell me to do. Show no emotion. 

I opened the door and slammed it when I got out. I started walking up my block to my house. I was 8 houses down and I heard his car come near. This time I didn't look back or stop. I just kept walking and with a little pep in my step.

"Aye...BEEP BEEP..Hey.." I heard a door close and feet behind me.

"Girl ..I know you heard me calling you"

"So you just gone ignore me?"

"Come on man. I didn't mean what I said" I heard enough.

"You did mean what you said, and you said it clearly so if you will excuse me"

I continued to walk when I heard the door slam again. Thank God.

I reached my house when I saw my daddy's car parked in the driveway. I got instantly excited, but I remembered what had just happened and got irritated all over again.

Inside Africa's home

"Hey dad... Hi mom" Are they in the same room and nothing aint broke?

"Hey babygirl", my dad said and came and bear hugged me. I returned with an one arm hug. 

He sensed that I was irritated and left it alone. I went upstairs to my room and locked the door. Dropping my purse at my door I went to my closet door to check my calender and instantly my vision became blurry. Today's date hit me. It was the anniversary of my grandmother's death. I have been so caught up in myself that I didn't even plan her annual anniversary dinner. She died when I was 12.

See.. me and Nana were inseperable. She was the jelly and I was the peanut butter. She couldn't be peanut butter cause' she said it would get caught in her dentures. I was balling now. I am selfish. I am selfish and I am just more selfish. I went to my bag to grab my phone, and my room's house phone was ringing. I answered without looking at the caller ID.


"Is this Africa?"

"May I ask who is calling?" (A/N: I really say this. Its a habit)

"Damn. you sound proper on the phone"  I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was my cell phone number. Thats weird. I checked my purse and pockets, and it wasnt there. I hope this person is returning my phone. (A/N: I have my name and house phone number on my phone screen so if i loose it Back to the story)

"Who is this? Better?"

"Whatever ma. I have your phone so... either be nice to me and let me take you out for being an asshole earlier or you can wait until Monday and bump into me, bust your ass, and we can try this again"

Is this niggah crazy or nah? Did he not get the drift that I sent him earlier. Its Friday and I aint got shit to do. I already fucked up my day with neglecting my Nana. This is why she didn't make it. Because of me. I was just so caught up with making friends and being in Junior High, that I neglected her. She had a heart attack and was put into an indused coma to try and stop the seizures. I had stopped going to see her. My mom didnt tell me she was in a coma until after 3 weeks of her being in the coma. She was in a coma for 2 years. I stopped going to see her and when she woke up she told the doctors to not tell me that she was awake but to give me a letter. Once the doctor reeived the letter she wa-

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