43. Reiterating History

Start from the beginning

I reached near the mirror to seeking my reflection, call it curiosity; I found it difficult to disregard the mirror and my reflection in it.

As I was about to raise my arms to touch the mirror, I felt boundation but it was momentarily as I frowning, I continued the task but before I could touch the mirror, I was jostled as a warm bound encircled around my waist while another electric bound seized my ascending arm.

The next instance, I was being floating and carried in air with a warm embrace cocooning me while chilling wind turning me into frozen whale.

Once the flashing second ended, I found Mr. Valentine who apparently was the reason behind this—I seem to lose the Vocabulary to define such kind of act.

But my anger and rage vanished in thin air when my gaze went and noticed his wound which was bleeding profusely for which he had no sense to even pay attention.

His wound was the sight; I forgot the reason of my anger, the curiosity to clear that mirror, the reason behind being here and meeting. My sole concentration redirected toward his wound and treating it.

Everything was getting normal when he actually considered the amount of glares he received from me and agreed to cooperate.

Finally when my heart was resting in peace after the painful experience but the how could the almighty let me be in peace.

But how can I live in peace?

It's totally indigestible for the higher powers.

The moment of peace were short lived then burned in the rays of sun when Mr. Raymond opened his shrewd and witty mouth.

Dear god, why I had to open my mouth at the wrong place, in front of the wrong people and at wrong mind.

I looked at Sir Gerard for some help but his gaze was transfixed beside me. I turned and found Mr. Valentine staring at me with an intense emotion gleaming on his face.

"So Miss. William, would you explain us, how the Impossible can be possible." Mr. Mycroft's voice resounded and my ears peeped up while my heart did an Arabic dance.

My conscious mind shot a glare while sanity was standing silent at the corner.

Dear Almighty, why did you make me like this?

I took a deep breath to control myself as my sanity was on high alert preventing any blunder to happen by me.

"That's very simple Mr. Mycro—Quinn, whatever is next to Impossible, it has its fair chances of being Possible." I stated straightening my back.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but can someone be a little specific how and on what grounds, this discussion is taking place between us." A very exasperated Mr. Black intervened, my gaze shifted to him and I found him floating in infuriation.

A distinct change I felt in atmosphere which was quite cold.

Or maybe you should concentrate here. My conscience snapped.

"Is there a need, Black?" came a response from Mr. Mycroft Raymond who raised his perfect brow.

"Ah!—No—no need." Mr. Black's blanched response came.

"Yes, there is a need. Do tell us the matter which has gained your interest." This was a commanding voice which holds the power to turn the heat of Sahara to the ice of Antarctica.

No words of arguments needed to voice out after that, as Mr. Valentine's command ruled the Pearl Hall and Mr. Quinn bowed to his command.

"Sir Gerard and I were discussing an important matter which holds the odds of being possible. That's when Miss William intervened with her contradicting theory." Mr. Quinn stated and I sat gaping at the marvelous speaking skills of this man.

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