The wind hissed in Lillian's ears as she raced through the sky, over the great gates of Azulon into "The Capital!" Lillian gasped as she realized where her crystal had lead her. A journey that is going to take Sokka them a month took her three hours, "Who would need me here?" Lillian whispered under her breath as she hovered over the sleeping city. Lillian moved cautiously through the air as he crystal led her to the Fire Nation Palace. 

Silence... No guards marching. No Taverns music playing only the light sound of fire burning in the distance.

"Ahhh!" Lillian heard in the distance, "No..." Lillian felt her lip tremble, "Get up and fight old man..." Mac hissed. At that moment Lillian knew who needed her. How he got her feather she didn't know but she's glad he did...

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Lillian screamed unleashing a large wave of white fire at Mac. Lillian landed in front of Iroh's folding form, "Lil.." Iroh tried but Lillian ignored him, "Picking on old people are we?" Lillian growled as Mac stood up, "It's not just the old man." Mac said gesturing to a shadowed area where rubble laid scattered around a lifeless form. All Lillian saw was long dark brown hair and a royal firenation hair piece, "Azula!" Lillian gasped as she tried to rush to the princesses side but was hit back by Mac's great wings, "tsk Tsk, Leave my play things alone." Mac mocked swinging a long steel pipe around. Lillian's gaze fell on Iroh who was trying to gain her attention. He was still in the same place she had seen him when she arrived, "Uncle... MOVE!" Lillian yelled as Mac walked towards him, but froze when she saw a shimmer of something silver under Iroh's cloak, "What the?" Suddenly Iroh stood exposing silver chains, "It's a trap Lillian! You must LEAVE!" Iroh yelled. Lillian's face fell with shock but she regained herself when she shot a quick strike of lightning at Mac causing him to stumble back in pain. Lillian rushed to Iroh's side and broke his chains with her bare hands, "I'm getting you out of here!" Lillian smiled at the old man. Lillian looked over to the damaged area where she had seen Azula's lifeless body lay, "What the-" Lillian was suddenly pulled back by a thick black string causing her to choke, "LILLIAN!" Iroh cried as he watched the blonde Tenshi being dragged away. Lillian flipped forward causing her attacker to be flung over her body, "Azula!" Lillian growled, "Hello, so nice to know that you care to visit!" Azula said mockingly. Mac tossed something at Azula and Lillian raised her arms ready to attack, "Time to come home Lillian!" Azula hissed as she charged swiftly at Lillian. There was a blur of pink and suddenly Lillian fell to her knees, "Ty Lee?" Lillian growled, "sorry Lilly." Ty Lee whispered sadly as she backed away so that Azula could stand before Lillian, "This will be over quickly." Azula said as she placed something around Lillian's neck. Lillian tried to see what Azula was placing around her neck but hissed as she felt something burning her chest, "A dark crystal!" Lillian cried as she felt her body feeling suddenly heavy.

"FIGHT IT LILLIAN!" Lillian heard Iroh call from behind her, "Take my Uncle back to his Cell!" Azula ordered at some guards.

Lillian stood grasping her head as a loud screeching noise filled her ears,

'This is your destiny'

'You can see your family again'

'Your friends'

'The man you love'

Lillian kept her eyes shut as she released a ear piercing scream

"Why is it taking so long????" Azula hissed at Mac who seemed surprised at the fact that Lillian was still fighting the dark crystal, "What's going on?" Mai asked rushing out with Zuko right behind her. Zuko froze when he saw Lillian before them, "What is she doing here?" Mai asked shocked and turning to Ty Lee who just pointed at Azula. 

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!" Lillian screamed as flames engulfed her hands and she tried removing the crystal slightly burning herself, "AZULA! what is the meaning of this?" Zuko ordered, before Azula could respond she noticed that there was silence and Lillian was down on her knees again and her long blonde hair hung over her face.

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