•|Devil In Me|•

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Mystic Falls|The Next Day

I paid close attention while I sat in the front row of the auditorium along with everyone one else who was going to recite their speeches. I didn't feel as confident as usual standing in front of the entire school including my uncle Elijah and my mom.

Everyone clapped their hands as Taylor finished her speech. My heart raced even faster because I was next. My teacher walked up to the mic just as Taylor came to sit down next to me.

"Next up." He cleared his throat. "We have Hope Mikaelson." The applause made a smile creep up on me as I got up and walked up the four stairs to get on the stage. "Good luck." Mr. Grayson patted my back as he walked off the stage.

I waited for him to sit down before I searched my thoughts for my speech. Unlike everyone else I was the only one who wasn't going to use a paper. Not to brag.

"I was gonna bring my paper but I balled it up because power isn't something you can write about." I nodded. "Either you have it or you don't. To me, family is power. There's no power without family."

When I said those lines I watched as my mothers facial expression changed. It was the same face that she had when we went to go visit my father. I knew that was the one that meant we'd probably never get him back.

"My family, we'll always have a spark even in our most darkest days. All my life I've always felt as though I'd be a weak but strong little girl." I nodded staring at my mom who stared back. "We were missing a piece of us that we need it to make us a whole. That piece is my daddy."

I hesitated to say my next line as my mom placed her hand on the necklace that she was wearing and then looked down.

"Eight years ago he was taken away from me and now he's telling me stories every night before bed. He isn't the only thing that makes me feel power. Niklaus...he is the heart of not only his siblings, but also my mom and me. When he was gone, there was an emptiness inside of everyone who loved him and without him we all felt useless. Still to this day whenever I feel weak I look at family paintings and phot-." I cut myself off when I realized that we can't take photos. "You ask me what power is, I'll say family every time."

After nodding my head, everyone clapped their hands and on my way off the stage my mom and I didn't make any eye contact. I had to see if she was okay. Mr. Grayson began to speak again but I ignored him while I pulled out my phone to shoot my mom a text.

New Orleans

Using my speed Sebastian followed me into the New Orleans cemetery. Maria texted me about being stuck in a fence. She also told me that Aurora was the bitch who put her on it

"Mariana?" I questioned as I watched her look up into the sky. "Oh my god!" I snapped turning my attention away from Marian and ran over to Kole. "What the hell happed?!"

"Who are you?" I looked up from Kole to Davina while she stood with her arms sloppily folded and puffy, red, water filled eyes.

"I'm-" Before I answered I saw the salt circle around her causing me to stand up and walk over. Placing my hand on the barrier she flinched as my hand began to glow orange while I siphoned the magic away. "I'm Khloe. Kole is my brother."

"There's more of you." Davina nodded stepped out of the salt as I stepped back.

"I don't consider myself a Mikaelson." I shrugged. "But I am blood related to Niklaus. What happed?"

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