•|Starling Nights|•

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Dear Diary,

Marcellus and I have decided to work together in taking my life away once again. Hayley and I have been speaking a little more and I've found out that Rebekah isn't in New Orleans she's somewhere in London.

If I could see any of my siblings right now she wouldn't be one of them because it would be so hard to say goodbye.


New Orleans

Taking a deep breath I looked around the bayou waiting for Henric. Before I could take him to his family I had to make sure that I could trust him. The last thing that I need to be doing is putting my daughter in more danger than she's already in.

My facial expression changed when I heard a noise in the distance with my vampire hearing. I raised my eyebrow and looked in the direction of the noise right before Henric dropped from the sky.

"What the hell?" I stepped back.

"Sorry love. I like to make appearances." He smirk dusting off the light brown leather jacket that he was wearing. "What'd you want to talk about?"

"You. Aside from being a ripper why do you wanna just give up your life?" Henric wiped the smile from his face and looked in the other direction. I waited for him to say something but he didn't. "Henric?"

"I don't wanna just give up my life, I just can't take the blood craving." He mumbled.

"You're basically family." I nodded. "You took care of me and you knew my parents, the least I could do is help you get over your extreme blood thirst. "

"Eh." He scoffed with a smirk on his face. "I taught the meaning behind family, and you also learned that sometimes-"

"Family doesn't wanna be helped." I cut him off finishing the sentence that I remember. "But family doesn't give up on family neither. I take you've never heard of the term always and forever?" I questioned slightly tilting my head.

"Yes." Henric nodded. "But there will never be an always and forever for me."

"Yes there will." I stated firmly grabbing his arm as he tried to walk away. "I want you to unlink yourself from the Hollow before she comes for my daughter. That means you have time to decide weather you wanna be alive for your family-...our family, or just throw it away like you did centuries ago."

"Centuries Ago I died to save my sister, that's what family is for. I would die for her again and again. Just like I would for you and the rest of them."

"No." I shook my head letting him go. "Right now you're being selfish and you're only dying for yourself when you can let me help you."

Taking a deep breath Henric brushed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and placed his hand on his waste while looking at me.

"Years ago I made a promise to you that I wouldn't let you down, that means stop putting your faith into me because that's exactly what I'd do." He nodded.

"Letting me down is not trying. At least try. Please."

I watched as he looked at me while tracing his jaw and then walking away. I looked at his backside in disbelief and disappointment, at least I knew that he was honest.

"Call me whenever you're ready." He mumbled jumping off into the trees.

A slight smirk ran across my face as I watched him act like a wild animal across the tree tops then walking off.

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