Chapter 18

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Rayce set the bags down beside the counter and inhaled. The scent of freshly cooked food was tantalizing. It had been a while since anyone cooked for him. You could almost taste each individual flavor. His mouth began to water a little.

"Smells like you have everything under control in here. Is there anything you would like me to do to help?" he inquired.

"If you want to hand me those tortillas and set the table that would be great," Lyth replied as she pulled the skillet off the fire and flipped the veggies in the air and caught them with the skillet again. Placing it back down on the burner she took the tortillas Rayce offered her and nodded appreciatively. He had gotten healthy ones. It was good he knew the difference between junk and decent. She opened the package and then removed them, turning on another burner on the stove she placed a long cast iron flat top skillet on it and heated it. Placing the tortillas singly along the skillet she toasted them lightly. This would bring out the flavor in the tortilla as well as the fajitas.

Rayce busied himself pulling plates and glasses from the cupboards by the sink and placed them on the small table in the kitchen. He figured Lyth would appreciate it instead of using the formal table. When the table was ready he leaned against the wall and started to laugh.

"Ben, aren't you missing something?" Rayce asked trying to hide his mirth.

"See mom!" Ben huffed. Lyth turned and glared daggers at Rayce. He threw his hands up in surrender as she started toward him with the spatula raised. He knew there was some rule about making the cook mad at you and he knew it never ended well.

"I was just thinking you needed some pants or shorts to go under the shirt. Men need to have their pants on. It's a sign of respect. That shirt looks kind of familiar." Rayce said with a cocked eyebrow.

Lyth turned a light shade of pink and busied herself with the food before she put the spatula down and turned to face him. She had a look on her face that was one part defiance and one part resigned. He could see it plain as day on her face. He just didn't know how to approach the subject with her. Her speaking brought his attention back to the matter at hand.

"Ben needed a shower after playing the grass all afternoon. I had hand washed his clothing and it hasn't dried yet so I went into your room and got him a t-shirt to wear until his things dry enough to put back on. If you have an issue it is with me as it was my decision."

"An issue? Do you think I'm mad that he is wearing my shirt?" Rayce asked in confusion.

"Well, probably that and the fact I went in your room without your permission." Lyth countered shrugging her shoulders.

Rayce let out a laugh and shook his head. "If I was worried about you being in my room I would have locked the door. I don't have anything to be worried about. If that's the worst thing you managed to do in the house today, then I will count myself lucky. And from what I can see thus far, it would seem you're decent and honest. Feel free to borrow a shirt or any clothes anytime you might need them, kid." He ruffled Ben's hair as he spoke while looking Lyth dead in the eye and having a silent conversation with their eyes. She got the message, wrapped her arms around herself and turned away from him. That told him something about her, she had indeed been honest and faced off with him, intent on protecting the boy from any harm, and more than willing to put herself in the way of harm to protect him, but it also told him she wasn't being honest about something, and he could almost guarantee it was to do with what they had seen on the television.

"I think we ought to get this food on the table and eat. It smells too good to let get cold you guys." Lyth had grabbed the skillet and was putting some on each of the plates on the table as Rayce shook his head and focused on what was going on.

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