Chapter 15

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Lyth whipped around and faced him, anger written all over her face.

"At this point, I don't know. It's kind of hard to tell from just a hand hanging out a window don't you think?"

"Lyth, I am sorry. I didn't think before I spoke." Rayce tried apologizing.

"It's fine. Can we please go now? I'm tired and would like to go and lay down."

"Sure, let me pay and call Vince and he can pick you up and take you to the house. I've got some work I need to take care of." Rayce said, grabbing his phone and dialing his brother. Lyth made her way outside to the boy and animals.

"Vince. I need you to come and pick up them up and take them to the house. No, I can't. I am on my bike, there's not enough room. Yes, all of them, animals included. Yes, I am serious! Just stop and get a carrier for the cat if you are that concerned. It's a five-minute drive. We are at the train café. See you soon." Hitting the end button Rayce pulled out some cash and tossed it on the table and headed outside.

Lyth was leaning against the wall, the sunlight shining on her face, a small smile on her face as she listened to Ben talk to the animals. He had already made friends with them. He reminded her so much of herself and her sister when they were young. They had pets, mainly strays that would show up from all over, and they would care for them as best they could. This led her sister into veterinary care as a youngster. The local vet would let her come in and taught her all he knew from the time she was 13 until, until that day that man decided they would belong to him. What he didn't know was what her sister had learned in the two and half years she had worked with the vet. That knowledge saved their lives.

Too many memories were coming back to her now. It wouldn't do. She had to focus on the now and make sure no one found out who she really was. That would create quite a few issues. Hopefully, this place wasn't too small and all people did was watch the news and cause trouble. She really needed to learn more about this town and its inhabitants. Knowledge was power.

"Vince is on his way to get you and take you to the house. You can make yourselves at home. If you take one of the guest rooms on the first floor you will be able to access your pets easier. I prefer they don't stay in the house at this point until we have them examined and treated for any issues. The back yard is fenced, and the pool is heated. I will get a few changes of clothing for you both, just text me your sizes."

Lyth looked at Rayce closely. This man was a mixture of young and old that was for sure. Sometimes he spoke as a young man and then other times he spoke as an older man would.

"I don't have a phone. It was lost in the wreck. Ben wears a boy's 8 in tops and bottoms. I am a 10 in women's pants and a medium in tops." Lyth stated matter-of-factly.

"I will pick you up a phone as well then. I will need to contact you for work at all hours of the day and night so it's in my best interest. I will deduct the clothing from your pay. Remind Vince to check your stitches and see if he will take the animals to the vet today. If not, we can do that in the morning. I must go. See you tonight!" with that Rayce walked away, leaving Lyth looking after him with a shocked look plastered on her face.

"Momma, why couldn't daddy be as nice as Mr. Rayce to us? Are you glad daddy's gone now?" Ben asked earnestly.

"Oh Ben, I don't know why your daddy was as mean as he was. I wish he would have been better to you. And yes, I am glad he's gone. It means he can't hurt you anymore and that's the most important thing to me. I love you son."

"I'm glad he's gone too. He can't hurt you or me now." Ben agreed.

"You realize we are going to have to name your animals, right?" Lyth chuckled, watching them devour the fresh meat and eggs.

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