"That's so tall!" the little blonde stretched his hand into the sky. "Is it as tall as you?" Julian questioned.

 Justin nodded and gave a reassuring smile, "Exactly. And you'll be that tall, Julian... Taller, I promise."


Ariana smiled when she heard the click of the door, signalling Justin and Julian had come back.

This struggle. She had spent long days inside looking for AB+ blood that was untainted from the recent virus dispersed that attacked that kind of blood.

It was a gamble. She was spending all this time on the computer, looking at files, trying to find the pure grade AB+ blood she needed. The blood had to come from at most a few donors, because too many different genes shuffled into a weak immune system. It was statistically impossible. But if she found it, everything would be fine.

If she didn't find it, she had spent either the last of Julian or Justin's last days of life (or both of their last days of life) isolated, not with them, not spending time with them.

She nearing cried, sobbed, through her smile.

She was getting more scared.

Julian's face was getting paler as the days passed by. It had been just a handful off days and hes cheeks no longer had the natural blush. It was a side effect of the crucial medicine for his cardiac asthma, but Ariana was frightened by it. With the pills, the five year old was able to be more active, without the present scare of an attack. That's what had allowed Julian and Justin to have been leaping around together the past days.

But to see her child look so sickly, well,  Ariana felt extremely worried, almost sick herself. yet as the days sped by, much too quickly, Justin's peach fresh face and Julian's porcelain delicate-white face still kept a glow that Justin would leave her curious about. So curious that it scared her, yes, but for now all she wanted to do was to keep the universe entact for Julian.

"Julian, baby," Ariana said calmly, "how was the park?"

"Fun," Julian replied, sitting on the bed of the one-room cabin. He took off his shoes as Justin was closing the door.

The doctors are getting kind of nosy now. And Justin saw quite a few photographers out at the front of the hospital, but were able to evade them secretively. Julian had called them politicians as well. Those horrible government people, yes. Justin had to slip a few hundred to the front desks to make sure no one found out he was here. He wanted to be able to keep his days with Julian peaceful.

 Because most likely at least one of them was leaving. And Justin was going to make sure if either, it would be him.


Ariana tucked her child in, kissing him on the forehead. Julian finally fell asleep after hours and hours of toys and books and more videogames.

It was completely quiet, except for some chrips of grasshoppers, and dim, except for the yellow-tinted lamp light.

She got up from the side of the bed and over to the desk where she had slaved away all day and where Justin was right now. He was double checking records she had set aside and also trying to make progress in the search.

Ariana gently used a finger to lift up Justin's chin. She kissed him and he stood up, kissing back. They were very quiet.

Ariana took Justin's hand and lead him from the desk and to the other side of the room, then out of the portable. Justin silently closed the door behind them. He looked at her with wide eyes, "Yeah baby?" She hadn't kissed him like that since forever it felt like.

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