42) Lucy's Battle Strategy

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I had to admitt, I wasn't really dressed for a big fight. You'd think that me being in Fairytail for this long, I'd atleast learn to wear the right clothes! But... noooo!

I ran through my different keys, trying to figure out who to call. My eyes darted around our surroundings, searching for any factor that would give us the upper hand. Trees, trees, bushes, and more trees! What could I do with trees?

I also had a fire-breathing Dragon Boy as a partner, so what could I do with him? Fire plus trees equals a really big forest fire, and that wasn't going to end well.

Dragon... flight... speed...

I smiled as a plan started to form in my head. I grabbed my keys and found my first one.


With a flash of light, Virgo appeared.

"Hello, Princess. Is it..." She started.

"Sorry, Virgo, but we don't have time to start that discussion. Right now, I need you to listen carefully..." I leaned in and whispered the plan into her ear. "Okay? After you do that, I'm gonna need you to tell Loke."

Virgo nodded and dissapeared into the ground. When she left, I turned to Natsu, who was currently fending off two hooded figures.

"Natsu!" I used my whip and lashed at one of the figures, flinging them into the bushes. I pulled up to his side. "Natsu, can you spin?" I asked.

"What?" He said and gave me a look.

"Just answer the question!" I snapped.

"Uhm... yeah, I guess." He furrowed his brows, still confused.

"Okay, good. When I tell you, start spinning really fast, and I mean really fast!" I ordered and stepped back, pulling him to the center of the small opening we were fighting in.

I lashed at a few hoods and made sure that I was good before I stomped my foot, hard, on the ground. Right on cue, the ground cracked, thick clouds of dust spewing out. The baddies cried out, surprised at the cracks in the earth, and I smiled as the dust covered the area.

"NOW NATSU!" I cried. I heard him flap his wings, sending the dust fluttering away from him. He stood on his toes as he started spinning, and the dust around him and me cleared and spread to the hoods.

A chorus of coughing and hacking came from around us, and the spinning action sent the dust into the trees, reaching any other hoods in the vicinity. I sent Virgo back, waited, and smiled as the familiar glow of Loke's gate anounced his enterance.

"Virgo told me you needed help?" He smirked.

"Yes, and thank you, Loke!" I cried. Then I grabbed my next key. "OPEN, GATE OF THE GOLDEN BULL! TAURUS!"

Fortunatly, Taurus didn't waist time with his flirting, and I sent both spirits into the dust. Natsu and I both jumped in as well, fighting off the hoods, sending them fleeing into the forest.

When the dust settled, all that was left of the hoods were scraps of cloth, a couple unconcious men, and the retreating cries of those running through the forest. I thanked Loke and Taurus and sent them back, then colapsed onto the ground in exaustion. I let out a loud, long sigh and fell back, laying on the flattened grass.

"Wow, Luce! You're amazing!" Natsu smiled. "Now, how much of that was just dumb luck?" He smirked.

"You know, you're not funny." I huffed.

"Yes I am! You just don't have a sense of humor!" He said in a low, mocking voice.

"You stole it from me! I took your intelegence as payback!" I joked. "That's why I got all the good plans and you don't." I smirked.

"Oh, now that's just offensive!" He frowned. I laughed.

"Now get over here!" I ordered, a smile still lighting my face. He walked over and layed on his stomach, his face hovering over mine, upside-down. I gazed into his eyes, wondering how they hadn't attracted more women to his side.

A small smile reached his lips, his dark eyes flicking across my face, taking in every detail. Then they rested back on my eyes, and we just stared at eachother.

"You're okay now, right Lucy?" He asked softly. "You don't feel feverish?" I shook my head slowly, still looking into his eyes. "Good. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." He breathed.

I smiled and reached up to stroke his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into my hand, humming quietly.

"Me either, Natsu."

"I love you, Luce."

"I love you too."

I smiled from my hiding spot behind a tree. I had found the two while they were in the middle of their fight with the puny hoods, and I had stayed quiet as I watched them.

"Why don't we go over there?" Happy whispered above me.

"Because. We shouldn't bother them right now." I hushed.

"Well, why are you just watching them? It's kinda creepy."

"Don't make me hurt you, furball." I hissed.

Ember hadn't said a word as she hung off my shoulder.

As I watched, Natsu leaned forward, inching closer to Lucy. His eyes closed, and her's did too. Right before their lips touched, one of his eyes opened, and he looked right at me. A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth as his wings unfolded and sheilded both of their top halves from veiw. My brows furrowed and I grumbled under my breath as I wished I could see.

I turned, my back facing the couple, as I stomped my way through the trees.

"Shouldn't we wait for them?" Ember finally spoke up.

"No. Those two love birds are gonna be a while." I huffed.

"Whats wrong, Kameel? Are you jeolous?" Happy hummed.

"Seriously, cat. Don't test my patience." I snapped.

"I'd be happy to help you punish the annoying tom." Ember grinned evily.

Somewhere in the Spirit Realm, a certain spirit raised her head.


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