Chapter 3

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Kaylee's Pov

BEEP BEEP BEEP! "UGHHHH" we all groaned as the alarm went off. It was 4 in the morning. We all realized today is the day we got to meet our idols. We got up and made the beds. Then we grabbed our outfits we laid out the night before so its ready to grab. we got changed and ran down stairs. i wrote a little note for my parents to say we are gone. We Grabbed our luggage that we took down stairs the night before so its a little easier. we headed out and took a cab to the airport. "I'M SO EXCITED TO MEET OUR IDOLS!" Sophia squeals as she jumps up and down. "Ya. we are going to be working with them! How exciting!" i say. As we Go through security we go straight to Starbucks. we all grab a coffee and a small sandwich or muffin just so we can have something to fill our stomachs. we sat down and talked about how excited we all are. the speaker went off and called our flight. We got onto the plane. Even though we are all super excited to meet and work with them we fell asleep on the plane.

"wake up Kaylee! we are here!" they all said as i opened my eyes. We got down the plane and went to the bathroom. we came back out and got out luggage and went outside to get a cab to go to the hotel. On the way there i texted Bart and said "We are on our way to the hotel!" i plugged in my earbuds and listened the music.I saw the hotel and big grins went upon our faces. We walked in Tried to find Bart. We finally found him and he leaded us to our hotel room. there were two hotel rooms one for the boys and one for us 5 girls plus mahogany. We walked in and our jaws dropped a little. there standing was Cameron Dallas, Taylor Caniff, Jack J, Jack G, Carter Reynolds, Nash Grier, Hayes Grier, Matthew Espinosa, Aaron Carpenter, and Shawn Mendes. after a few seconds of staring the boys laughed at us. We then snapped out of it and asked what was so funny. "The look on your faces when you saw us! Im guessing you guys are fans?" he asked still giggling. We all nodded our heads and walked in with a surprised expression on our faces because we were all to excited. We all got to know each other and soon became best friends. "Lets play Truth or Dare" Cam said. I turned red for no reason because Hayes is my favorite out of all. We all agreed and it happened. "Something is going to go wrong" i said while giggling. "Trust me its going to be alright" Hayes said.  I go first. "Truth or Dare Kaylee?'' cam asks. "truth.'' i say. "OK even though i think some of us know this but here's the question. Which one of us would you want to ask you out?" cam asks with an evil smirk on his face. 

Hayes POV

 When Kaylee walked in she looked beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes of of her. We were playing truth or dare. cam asked her a question and it was "Which one of us would you want to ask you out?" She looked at me then looked away and turned red. Was it me?


 Hey guys! Do you guys think its Hayes or someone else? Well im going to be writing more tonight! Maybe one more chapter bc i actually have a lot of time. well thanks for reading!

Bye <3

The Life With The Magcon Boys (fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon