Chapter 16

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Kaylee's POV

It broke my heart. I know he could move on. But he moved on with cassidy. Why her. I guess it was meant to be for them not us. Me and the girls walked in we decided to pretend like nothing happened and go out to dinner. We got dressed and we went to an itallian restaurant. 

Hayes' POV

I wanted to break down on the floor. But then i saw cassidy. I forgot she was coming. She is my Girlfriend. She threatened to hurt Kaylee and the girls if we didnt date her and her friends. So we did.

 She got out of the car and walked over to me. "Why are you so sad? Why have you been crying?" she says worried. I know Cassidy does care about me. But at the end if she doesnt get what she wants she can care less. "Oh i have been watching sad videos on YouTube because i was bored." i lied. 

Tonight Me and the boys were taking the girls to a Italian restaurant. We drove there. We got out of the car and walked to our table. We got seated. We got seated out side because the weather was nice and no body at all was there. Then theres this group of girls who looked familiar. it was Kaylee and her friends. They sat right behind the girls. I hope Cassidy doesnt see or things can go bad very quickly.

Kaylee's POV

We go into the restaurant and get seated outside. The weather was amazing so me and the girls wanted to sit out there. And i wish we never did. I looked in front of me and it was the boys. They took there girl friends on a date here. Why here? Why did we have to be at the same place?

I told the girls and we kinda panicked. I looked in front of me and i saw cassidy Glare at me. I wanted to run up to her and just start a fight. But i didnt. She gets up and walks over to our table.

"Well, well, well look who we have here. why dont ya guys stop following us." She says with a smirk on her face. "Excuse me? Follow you guys? We want to be as far as we possibly can from you guys. Trust me." I say standing up. Over the past 5 years i became for strong and confident.

"Sure. I mean you still have feelings for Hayes. But to bad. He's mine now." She says. "You can have him. Everything me and Hayes had was a mistake." i say not realizing what i just said. I looked at hayes and he had glossy eyes. "your right it was a mistake." Cassidy says while walking away. I put my head down i dont cry. But i want to Our food gets here and i eat. 

There's no one out here. Just me and the girls plus the magcon boys with there dates. 

Hayes' POV 

When she said what we had was a mistake i wanted to cry even though i heard it already. because i cant tell if she meant that. We leave all leave at the same time for some reason. We are heading to the car and cassidy says she need to use the bathroom.

Kaylee's POV

I needed to use the bathroom really badly and i go. I walk in to see cassidy Glaring at me. "The next time you follow us you will regret it." She says. "Trust me i wasn't." I say. She gets in front of me and slaps me. I was about to pull her down but she pushed me down before i knew it. She kicked me and slapped me until i had bruises. She walked out. I sat there on the floor crying. I wanted to yell for Hayes but i couldnt. I needed help. I grabbed my phone and called The girls. But i didnt. I forgot they blocked my number as a joke because i spam texted them to much. I had no choice but to call Hayes. He answered.

Hayes' POV

While cassidy was heading back my phone rang. It was Kaylee. Why would she call me? I Answered. "Hello?" i say "Hayes please come to the girls bathroom im hurt i need help tell the girls to." she says crying. I run past cassidy. "Were are you going?" she yells. I dont answer. I Get Lily, Emma, Grace, And Sophie and we go to the girls bathroom. I see kaylee fainted on the floor with bruises and blood. Tears come to my eyes. Soon enough i see everybody behind me. Including cassidy. We take Kaylee to the hospital. I ask if i can check on her. they said no. "Lets go home i dont wanna wait here." Cassidy says annoyed. "I dont care im waiting till i can see Kaylee." i say. I can finally see Kaylee. She was awake. "thank god your fine. " i say not realizing she hates me. "GET OUT CASSIDY." she yells. "Cassidy please get out let me talk to her." i say. "Fine" she says and walks out. "what happened Kaylee?" i ask her. "Cassidy beat me in the bathroom." she says crying. "Kaylee im so sorry." i say crying.

Kaylee's POV

Why was he crying? He is with cassidy not me he doesnt have feelings for me. Or does he?  "Why are you with Cassidy?" I ask not realizing what i said. But i wanted to know. Actually  needed to know. "She Threatened to hurt you and the other girls if i dont date her and the guys dont date her friends." He says. "so you still like me?" i say. Right when he was about to answer Bradly and the girls walked in. "Oh Kaylee i was so worried are you ok?" He asks crying. "yes" i say. "Who is this?" he asks kind of angry. "Uh h...he is my ex." i say. "what?! You call your ex and not me?" He says walking away. "Im so sorry. I...I didnt mean to ruin your relation ship im so sor-" I cut hayes off. "Its fine." i say smiling. "Kaylee we are so sorry for blocking your number you could of died or something. " The girls say. crying "Guys its fine you guys got annoyed from me i dont care. But i love you guys a lot and thanks for being there for me." I say smiling at them. Everyone else checks on me. The girls apparently forgive the guys and they all go home. "Can you come home now?" Cassidy says opening the door. "Ya in a sec" hayes says. "Wait hayes. Im not doing this to ruin ur relation ship with Cassidy. But can u stay the night i really want someone to stay." I ask. He agrees and tells cassidy he is staying. "Hayes if your not Comfortable with me you can g-" he cuts me off. "No i want to stay with you i will sleep in the chair." "The bed is big if you want you can sleep next to me." i say. He nods his head and lays down next to me. I Fall alseep in his arms with one question going through my head. Do i want to be with him again?


Hey Guys! I have no thin to say today lol. Thanks for reading

(Sorry if i missed any Mistakes)

Bye <3

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