Chapter 15

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Hayes' POV

It's Been years since me and Kaylee broke up. Me and the guys are thinking about the girls always. We have tried to move on but we never did. I just couldnt. we just couldnt. The original Magcon boys including me all live together. We are moving to a bigger house. 

I always think im going to see her but i never actually do. She still does song covers with her best friends on youtube. Me and the guys watch them all the time. Today she posted. It was the boy friend tag. My heart broke. Well i know its been  years so obviously she moved on. But i haven't. And i cant. Her boy friend was a guy named Bradly Anderson. 

Next day

Today we move to our new house. Our new house in right in front of the beach. We could just walk over to the beach it would take 5 minutes. The house was gigantic obviously because there was 9 guys living in it. We moved our stuff into it.

Kaylee's POV

There were some new guys moving in next door. The girls and i wanted to introduce our self but a few days after they move because they might be busy fixing there house. I invited Bradly my boyfriend over to hang. 

Me and the girls went to the pool because we loved to swim. We sat down and tanned for a few minutes.

Hayes' POV

We decided to head down to the pool in our neighborhood. We opened the gate and set our stuff down. I looked at some girls. they looked really Familiar. I realized it was Kaylee and her friends. "Guys. Look" i say pointing at them. " that Kaylee and her friends?" Cam asks in a nervous way. We run out not wanting to be seen by them.

Kaylee's POV

After the pool we headed home to wash up. We decided we wanted to finally introduce our selvs to the neighbors. We walked to there front door and And rang the door bell. The door opened and i couldnt believe my eyes. It was the Magcon guys. And Hayes. Hayes Grier

Me and the girls ran. We ran to our house. "oh my gosh." Emma says "Wait. No this has to be a dream." Sophie says. But its not. I see the girls trying not to cry but some tears come down but they wipe it away fast. I feel a tear slip down my face. Just one tear. Why are we crying? Because no matter what we always loved Them, and never stopped. Even if they broke our heart. 

Hayes' POV

The door bell ran and us boys went up and opened the door. We couldnt believe our eyes. It was Kaylee, Grace, Sophie, Lily, and Emma. No. This is a dream. Why would she be here. Snap out of it! Its a dream! But no. They ran. Ran into the other house. We realized they are our Neighbors.

We decide to walk down to there house> i step in front of the house and my hand shakes as it reaches for the door bell. I ring it. Kaylee And the girls come out and we just stare at them and they stare at us. We stand there in silence. "I...Im sorry we were just trying to introduce our sel-" i cut her off and hug her. It felt like the best hug i could ever get. Even if its from a person that hates me.

Kaylee's POV

He hugged me. I wanted to hug him back. I wanted to be with him again. I wanted to be in his arms. But i just couldnt. Questions flew through my head. Why did he kiss cassidy? Why would he? I push away and i just screamed. because of all the anger and sadness that was stuck with me for the past 5 years. "STOP." I say screaming. "Kaylee i never stopped loving you. Let me explain why i kissed her. Please just let me expl-" I cut him off. "NO. YOU KISSED THE GIRL THAT SLAPPED ME. THAT I LET YOU BE WITH SO YOU CAN BE HAPPY. THE GIRL THAT SEPARATED US." I say with my bottom lip trembling. Tears fall out of my eyes. I wanted to run into his arms and cry. But i didnt. I knew i couldnt. They walk away and i see hayes is crying. I hate to see him hurt. But he hurt me more then i could been. Then i see a car. With girls in it. They park right in front of Hayes' house. They get out. It was cassidy.


Hey guys! What do you guys think of this update????? I might make this book have 20 to 40 chapters! I might have a squeal i dont exactly know yet tho. Thanks for reading! :)

(Sorry for any mistakes i might of missed)

Bye <3

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