Chapter Twenty-Three

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"There be a small section of forest north of the wetlands," Claus said as he handed Nixie an aumoniere pouch, "food, water and some herbs if ya be feelin' sick."

"Thank you Claus," she took it and tied it onto Paduss' back.

Claus stepped closer and gave her a wearied eye, "Remember, he be waitin' with horses outside the forest. I sent him a raven about who ya are. Name's Blackeye."

"Blackeye! What kind of man is this friend of yours?" Nixie exclaimed.

Claus chuckled, "We got into a lot of bar fights as young lads." He placed his hands on Nixie's shoulder asudden and cleared his throat, "Me lady," he breathed and pursed his lips.

Nixie rolled her eyes, "I will be quite alright Claus!"

Claus shook his head, "Me lady, ya are not well. I saw ya be sick this mornin'."

Nixie's face turned red, she did not realise Claus had seen her. She tried to be so careful in hiding the fact that she had not been feeling all too well these last few days. She held her head low and mumbled, "My husband will have no mercy when he catches me."

"Aye, but can't I-"

Nixie cut him off and huffed, "I would rather suffer a bit of discomfort than stay and risk them catching us," she rubbed over her protruding belly.

Claus didn't say anything further. He nodded and carried on to prepare Nixie for the journey.

* * *

"Be safe me lady!" Claus waved Nixie off as Paduss lifted them from the ground.

The beast had his wings unfurled and gave slow bats when they ascended out the forest. Nixie could not help but feel gratitude towards the greasy-haired and beer belly man that helped her when she was most in need.

She would reward Claus oneday.

The piceous fire-breather jolted forward without warning and Nixie was forced to clutch onto Paduss and look ahead. She had a mission she could not lose focus of - to save Oldaff.

The wetlands came into view after a time and Nixie allowed herself to breathe. The unsettling pulses that made its debut since the night she walked into the Inn had return not long after they were in the sky. Paduss could feel her distress and whined every now and again.

"Not yet," she hissed as another turbulated gush of pain hit her body.


She heard her name being yelled by the melted husk of a voice from none other than her husband.

Nixie forced herself to twist around and struggled to catch her breath. Defocused eyes tried to scan the skies, but it was a failed first attempt.

"You need to take landing my love!" she heard him shout again.

Oh no.

Where was his voice coming from? Why did he have to catch her now at her weakest?

All her thoughts were stopped as a final jab of unfathomed spasms pulsed stroked through her entire being, "Ouw!" She could feel her child's uneasiness inside her as she tried to regain her breath, but to no avail.

"Paduss-" she heaved, "Down boy."

She did not care whether she landed in the middle of a town square or an open field. Lowlanders could see the ordeal and she would not have the time to overthink the command she gave Paduss. Her whole body demanded attention and it compelled her to stop the journey without thinking of the consequence.

*ON HOLD* The Airborne Oracles [Book I - Breeding the fire]Where stories live. Discover now