Chapter Six

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The faint sound of uninterrupted water that rushed in the distance pulled Nixie out of a deep slumber. She squinted her blue eyes at the bright sunlight pouring in to the room; the sudden brightness impaired her sight for a short while. A door creaked open and a shadow contrasted the light as it approached her.

"You're awake milady!" the high pitched voice gasped, "I'll go fetch the master right away," she squeaked with thrill, placing down the bucket in her hand and running out the room.

Nixie placed her hand above her eyes as she looked around the room. If the chambers were anything to go by, she would think she woke up in a palace. The room's preeminent beauty surpassed any fanciful room they had back in her own kingdom's castle. White and gold decorated the room as ancient furnishings rested on the white marble floors all around. The bed she laid in could carry a whole family and the giant windows allowed her to see several waterfalls outside.  She sat up and rolled her stiff neck, unable to think of the countless questions she knew she had to ask herself soon.

"Fy nghariad, mae hi'n byw! (My love, she lives!)" a well-known and intimate voice broke her silence. Nixie slanted up where her newly-wed husband stood in the doorway with a beaming smile that made her grin with satisfaction. He rushed over to the bed forthwith and pulled her in to a tight embrace. She felt his broad shoulders sink in to a relieved sigh as her face kept buried in his chest.

Irgis pushed her back gently and searched her with anxious eyes, "Are you well? How do you feel my love?" he asked in a frantic state, his relief short-lived. He placed his hand on her forehead before another exhale escaped his lungs, "We must call Nealgo right away just to be sure!" he muttered.

Nixie noticed the tiresome look on his face, dark circles formed around his eyes that she previously did not see and his tanned complexion looked rather dull. She frowned, "Are you sick?" her hands traced his face.

Irgis took her hand and held it tightly against his cheek, closing his eyes, "No, un hardd, I am not sick, I am- I thought-" he stuttered and breathed in, "Let's not repeat what happened these last few days, I'm overwhelmingly joyful that you have opened your eyes!" he kissed her hands, leaning closer.

Nixie felt his distress and pulled him closer. She rested her head against his, inhaling, "I'm alright now," she whispered, sensing the worry escaping his body and being replaced with relief, "How long was I asleep?" she asked.

He lunged himself to the side of the bed and rested his head against the pillow before pulling Nixie in to a cradle, "Three days un golau hardd, three torturous days."

"Golua?" she mimicked his speech is a question.

He smirked and kissed her forehead, "Pale one. Beautiful pale one," he breathed against her and smiled.

"Where are we?" she asked again as the waterfalls outside caught her attention.

He chuckled, "You must be feeling better, since you are already asking me questions again," he pulled her to his chest and lifted her chin, "I missed those eyes," he whispered before his lips touched hers in a soft embrace. 

She kissed back, feeling his heart as if it were her own. The amount of love that pulsed through her for the man that held her in his arms could only be described the same way as the tales of old her uncle had told her and Oldaff at nighttime. It felt unreal.

A rumbling cry tugged at Nixie's heart, knowing that Paduss was calling for her. She pulled back and sat up again.

Irgis laughed, "I think someone knows you are awake," he brushed his black hair to the back and jumped up from the bed, "The Dark One has been tormenting Freya these last three days, so much so that she found a cave of her own to sleep in last night."

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