Chapter Sixteen

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[Un ar bymtheg]

"I do not know Nealgo, I wish I did," Nixie sniffed in distress.

She gave the healer the same answer as before; she truly did not know why Irgis had acted so strange in the war room. He showed his usual concern and love for his wife and the next moment he turned to what felt like a ruthless, harsh shell of a man.

"Well, whatever has gotten into my brother, you need to attempt to calm yourself, it is not healthy for your child," he pushed down on her abdomen to ease the pain she experienced in a massage.

"He asked me to forbid you from leaving your room for the night," he murmured beside her.

Nixie frowned, "What reason could there be for me not to leave my own chambers? Is this not my dwelling as well?"

Nealgo shrugged, "It's best you heed to his wishes with the state he is in. Please, if not for your own safety, stay in your room for your unborn child's well being," he pleaded.

She sighed and nodded, "I will try."

Nealgo gave her an apologetic smile as he gathered his things, "I am retiring for the evening, call on Pippa to find me if you feel unwell, you will need all the rest and help you can get in the last months to come."

"What will come, exactly?"

Her question made Nealgo sigh, "Severe pain and exhaustion, fever, hallucinations, weakened bones, sweats, they're all symptoms that has been recorded during a mortal's transition."

"Will anything relief these symptoms?" she gulped.

"The presence of a true mate, which we all know Irgis is to you. I cannot explain how it aids you, no healer can, it just does. Proper sustenance, the teas and potions I brew for you and enough rest also helps a great deal, but nothing exceeds Irgis' attentiveness."

"Thank you Nealgo, for ensuring my comfort thus far, I am inclined to believe I will survive this moonstruck situation with your help," she gave him a sincere smile as he left.

Time seemed to rock back and forth in a never-ending spiral as Nixie waited for Irgis to return to their chambers, but no such thing occured. Her only solace seemed to be the rushing sound of waterfalls flowing down the mountains.

Auroras of silver and blue fell to the surface of the room in an opulent silence. The crescent called for her attention inadmissibly. The longing to mend her confusion stood in a divergent restlessness to the solitude of the moon.

She could bare it no longer.

With a crippled sigh she rose from her bed and covered herself with the very same gown Irgis had given her when she danced on the doorstep of death. His troubled heart and concern over her wellbeing had been so evident in his actions up to a few hours ago. Surely she had done something to upset him.

I should make amends, I must have done something terribly wrong.

Nixie's feet dragged her listless body along the incessant corridors. She peeked into every room in hope of seeing her husband. In hope of feeling his warm embrace around her. In hope of his esoteric voice soothing her longing to be one with him in this night.

The peak of intolerable silence was broken by the faint voice of Irgis humming down the hallways something too distant to gather. Her heart raced at the thought of speaking to the angered Irgis she came to know that afternoon. She prayed the time apart changed his demeanor to a more pleasant one to ask forgiveness for the still-unknown deed she so unjustly committed.

She straightened her posture and tightened the gown around her growing belly as she tiptoed closer to where the voice came from. Her breath halted in unison with her entire body in front of the door Irgis voice came from.

*ON HOLD* The Airborne Oracles [Book I - Breeding the fire]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя