Chapter Four

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Warning: This chapter contains scenes of a sexual nature.

I will add a note in bold to indicate where the scene starts and ends if you wish to skip over it.


"I can not do this!" Nixie stampeded as she tried wiggling herself out underneath Irgis.

He lifted his body to prevent crushing her and grazed her face, "There is no other way un hardd," he whispered, looking at her with an apologetic smile.

The inclination in her small chest heightened, "How are you not anxious? Is this not your first time as well?"

He chuckled, lowering himself again to snuggle her neck, "The longer we wait the more you will think those thoughts. The people are waiting un hardd."

Nixie searched for doubt in his eyes, but saw only a tender gaze that warmed her heart. No doubt, when she locked eyes with him, the desire to embrace each other grew within her. She closed her eyes, breathing in, fighting the mania to surrender herself to his vigorous hold, but she failed miserably. 

Her arms flung around Irgis, latching herself in to his warm embrace. His embodiment welcomed a sense of security for her, his kiss a sanctuary. She exhaled against his chest before whispering words she would not have thought would come out her mouth any time soon, "Forgive me if I do something wrong, for I know not how this works," she choked, fear of the unknown infiltrated her whole being.

It was Irgis' voice that blazed the vivacity back in to her limbs, "Let us forget about the people and find each other, un hardd, tonight we only have each other" he pacified her thoughts.

She nodded. His lips massaged her own and their tongues intertwined in a choreographed rhythm. Every second she could feel herself easing in to the moment more and more. The sound of people laughing and music drumming in Nixie's ears disappeared as she forced herself to focus only on Irgis.

*** Mature Content Starts Here ***

His hands explored his new bride, slipping under her dress and caressing every part of her. His fingers smoothed over her breasts, tummy, thighs and untouched femininity. She responded by forcing her trembling hands to stroke down his muscular chest and abdomen, stopping in uncertainty.

He leaned closer to her, loosening the ties that held her dress together, slipping it off her shoulder to reveal her bare front. He kissed her shoulder and stood up to take off his remaining clothes.

"Can we not explore each other a bit more?" she begged when she saw his pants slipping down. Apart from bathing together as children with Oldaff, it was the first time Nixie had ever seen a full grown man standing in front of her naked.

He smiled and returned to his position over her, "We will have an eternity to do so un hardd, tonight we must dance," he lingered next to her ear, "are you ready?" a hungered whisper traveled through her body as she felt his hands pulling the lower part of her dress up to her waist. Wide eyed she stared at him and gulped before nodding, not even knowing what she agreed to.

Her skin broke in to a thousand bumps and shivers as he entered her, causing her to be short of breath. She tried to take him in, pressing her head against his comforting chest. The break in to her caused emotions she did not think she had. He noticed the tears in her eyes when pulling her chin up to see her face, he frowned.

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