After Story | 4.1

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Part II

Hidan clamped his hand over Hagami's shoulder successfully startling her. She nearly leapt from her skin and turned to shoot a harsh glare at the Jashinist. If looks could kill and he wasn't an immortal, he may as well be dead. A dirty smirk lingered on his lips, something that made Hagami scowl in disgust. But it was rare to see him without that look too toward any female he saw regardless if it was Hagami or Konan or some girl they see on their missions.

"Looks like I finished before Kisame so you're fighting me little b****." Hidan stated calmly and brushed past her. Hagami grumbled quietly under her breath. Despite knowing that Hidan killed using the blood of others, she obliged to fight him without hesitation. After all, he wouldn't kill her, right?

The two took their positions on opposite sides of the indoor training field. Hidan lazily reached for his scythe, drawing it and crashing it against the ground in front of him. Hagami took a thick gulp before readying a weapon of her own. She took out one kunai, the gleam of a tripwire leading into her ninja pouch. She awaited for Hidan to make the first move.

And he did. He lurched forward, dragging his scythe through the ground before it gained air behind him. A wild look appeared in his eyes as well as the lust for blood. He swung his scythe at her from the right, aiming for her midsection. But Hagami set her eyes alight with her crimson Sharingan at the last minute. She dropped her kunai back into the pouch and her hand pressed down against the middle steel clasp that held the three blades together. She levered off of that in order to press into the air and slink right over his attack. She couldn't win in brute force against Hidan, not with his unpredictable power. So she decided to use his power against him, evade all attacks until he became tired and strike then.

Hidan's hand shifted on the scythe and it flipped around. He swung it back at Hagami when she put up what looked like a smoke screen. Hidan stopped his scythe centimeters from the smoke and hesitated until it cleared. When it did, Hagami stood there with a sheepish smile on her face. It was such an easy trick that she was able to pull off flawlessly. But she didn't hesitate to run forward, using Hidan's hesitation to her advantage. He was immortal, yes, but striking himself down may do more damage to himself than her.

Her palm heel collided with Hidan's chin when she closed him. Her strike wasn't as powerful as it normally was but it still worked when she threw him off balance. Lowering herself down to her hands and feet, she shot up foot into his stomach and pivoted on the foot that was still on the ground. Taking another strike, her palm heel and elbow collided into his chest from her front as well as the back.

Hagami channeled her Lightning Style chakra into him whilst smoke took the place of the Hagami in front of him. The smoke was for a shadow clone whilst the real on hung out on the ceiling before she had to come down and deliver that blow. Hidan let a cry of pain rip through his vocal cords and he stumbled to the ground when Hagami was finished. Electricity still sparked up here and there and his breath became ragged.

"You sneaky little b****." Hidan hissed and gripped his scythe tightly. Without warning, he swung the back of it into Hagami's ribs, throwing her into the nearby wall with force that would've killed her if she hadn't prepared at the last minute. She fell to the ground, coughing harshly and looked up. Hidan was closing in on her and before she could get to her feet, her hand shot to her mouth to cough up blood. She debated whether her illness was acting up or it was just the fact that she was catapulted into a steel wall.

She heaved herself up to a sitting position and her hand itched to cover her heart. She stiffened when Hidan laid his scythe against her shoulder, teasing the nerves and maxing her anxious. The last thing she wanted was to die her, no, she had to live, she wasn't going to die at the hands of Hidan.

A surprising amount of adrenaline shot through her body as her hand wrapped around the steel clasps holding the blades together; she made sure that she could it there before she continued. Her eyes shifted into the Mangekyō Sharingan and she glared at Hidan, closing her left eye. Chakra swirled in her right eye, building up until it suddenly released. What resulted was the Amaterasu, burning to life against Hidan's cloak. He shrieked in surprise.

"Hidan! Get that cloak off now!" Kakuzu's rough voice shocked the two of them. He was fighting Kisame right now and it was somewhat surprising that he saw able or focus on little tidbits around the training arena. "That's the Amaterasu!"

"Amater-what?" Hidan growled as he discarded his cloak. This left him in the mauve pants and the pale obi that held it up. "Were you trying to burn me to death?"

"There's a...possibility..." Hagami snickered leaning against the steel wall. It was certainly her illness flaring up right now, she could feel the pain spreading from her chest to her arms already. "Or maybe I was just trying to glare at you hoping that you'll spontaneously combust. Same thing really...but either would work for me." She shot him a smirk that enraged him further. However, when he tried to lunge at her, tried to deliver a fatal blow to her, his movements were halted when he himself was catapulted into a nearby wall. Courtesy of Pein, he walked over to Hagami and glanced down at her. His eyes were lifeless, something that concerned Hagami.

"Will you be fine?" He asked but lacked any sympathy or emotion. Hagami had tried to do some poking around on Pein but he didn't really recover anything useful.

"Fine, I just need time to rest." Hagami responded losing the emotions in her voice too. He reached his hand out and pulled her to her feet where her illness flared up again. She had tried to hold it back during her fights, which she did successfully, but she also wanted to keep it down as much as possible. But she just couldn't do it. And Pein didn't spare her a second look when she began to cough up the dormant blood.

The Story of Hagami [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now